Bush bean "Hawaii"
2.56€ 1.53€
Dwarf french bean "Hawaii". Early bush variety resistant to diseases. The pods are dark green, rounded, 13-14 cm long. 1 gram = 1.5-5 seeds. ..
Butterfly flowers mix "Pro motyly"
Butterfly flowers - special mix.   ..
Butterhead lettuce "Merkurion"
Butterhead lettuce "Merkurion" - Lactuca sativa var. capitata. Year-round lettuce forms a large, strong and dense head. Resistant to bloom. Weight per 1000 seeds = 1,0-1,2 g. Number of seeds in 1,0 g  = 830-1000. * Cultivati..
Butterhead lettuce "Passion Brune"
Head lettuce "Passion Brune". Medium late variety of head lettuce (70-75 days from germination). ..
Cactus flowered elegant zinnia "Redman"
Cactus flowered elegant zinnia "Redman". Spectacular, densely double inflorescences with narrow long petals rolled into a tube give the whole plant a very decorative look. It blooms with red cactus flowers, height 80 cm. Used in borders, ..
Cactus flowered zinnia "Lilac Empress"
Cactus flowered zinnia "Lilac Empress" Annual, 90 cm tall, fast growing flowers. For planters, bouquets. Flowers are large, 8-10 cm in diameter, semi double. Grow well and bloom in sunny warm spot, light soil. Seedlings are planted in..
Candyleaf stevia (sweet herb of paraguay)
Sweet herb of paraguay (Candyleaf) - Stevia rebaudiana. 300 times sweeter than sugar! Delicious medicine! Height 60-80 cm Perennial subtropical plant, grown in the middle lane as an annual. Stevia leaves contain a glycoside - stevioside, which..
Carrot "Crofton" F1
2.01€ 1.20€
Carrot "Crofton" F1. Late, fertile, fungal-resistant hybrid variety of the "Nantes" type. The crop is harvested 140 days after seed germination. The root crop is 18-22 cm long, 2.5-4 cm in diameter, weighs 100-200 g, bright orang..
Carrot "Jolana" F1
1.76€ 1.06€
Stump-rooted carrot "Jolana" F1. A Nantes type mid-early hybrid has short, extremely healthy tops. Tolerant to alternaria. Roots are attractive, uniform and smooth with excellent external and internal color. Excellent hybrid for bunc..
Carrot "Koloseum" F1
1.76€ 1.06€
Late carrot "Koloseum" F1 - Daucus carota L.  New late hybrid of Berlicum type. A high yielding carrot with big and smooth roots. Perfect colour inside and outside. Because of very firm leaf this variety is very easy for mechanic harv..
Carrot "Lange rote stumpfe ohne herz 2"
Carrot "Lange rote stumpfe ohne herz 2". Well-known mid-late variety: from germination to technical maturity 120-140 days. This variety contains a very high percentage of dry matter and carotene. Root crops are cylindrical, red-orange in c..
Carrot "Nantes 5" (Monanta)
1.52€ 0.91€
Carrot "Nantes 5" (Monanta) - Daucus carota. Mid-season variety (the period from full shoots to technical ripeness is 80-100 days). Root crops are cylindrical, aligned, 15-18 cm long, weighing up to 100-150 g, bright orange, with ten..
Carrot "Rotin" (on the tape)
Carrot "Rotin" (on the tape). Морковь "Ротин" (семена на ленте). Среднеспелый сорт моркови сортотипа "Нантская" (110-115 дней). Длина корнеплода 18-20 см. Хорошо хранится. Посев с апреля по июнь: ленту закладывают ..
Carrot "Smirna"
1.28€ 0.76€
Carrot "Smirna" - Daucus carota L. Early carrot variety of "Nantes" type . Root crops are cylindrical, blunt. The grade is steady against flowering and cracking of roots. Eng.: Carrot. Suom.: Porkkana. Sven.: Morot. Bot...
Cat grass (сatmint)
1.76€ 1.06€
Catmint (Cat grass) - Nepeta cataria. Cold-resistant, winter-hardy and very unpretentious perennial with an indescribable lemon-mint aroma! The scent is very strong and refreshing! Mid-season (60-65 days from germination to maturity) var..
Celeriac "Bianco Del Veneto"
Celeriac "Bianco Del Veneto" - Apium graveolens var. rapaceum. Late, high-yielding hybrid. Medium-sized plant with well-developed foliage. The root is spherical and large, with dark brown skin. The flesh is white and firm. ..
Celery stalk "Pascal"
1.76€ 1.06€
Celery stalk "Pascal" - Apium graveolens var. rapaceum. Medium early (from germination to cut 150-165 days) petiolar variety. The rosette of leaves is powerful, erect, up to 70 cm high, weighing 750-850 g, consisting of 13-15 leaves. Lea..
Celery-stalk "Merlin"
1.46€ 0.87€
Celery-stalk "Merlin" - Apium graveolens L. var. dulce. Fresh and crispy stalks. The methods of cultivation of petiole celery are the same as those of root celery. In warm climates, stalked celery is sown directly in open ground. The seed..
Chicory "Bianca di Bergamo" (special selection)
Leaf chicory "Bianca di Bergamo". An amazing solution for diabetics from nature itself. Medium early head variety. The rosette of leaves is raised, 20 cm high, 35 cm in diameter. The leaf is large, rounded, with a crispy consistency. Hea..
Chicory "Bionda a Cuore Pieno" (escarole)
Escarole chicory "Bionda a Cuore Pieno" - Cichorum endivia. Medium late grade. Sow from May to August, harvest from September to late December. ..
Chicory "Rossa di Treviso"
2.74€ 1.64€
Chicory "Rossa di Treviso". An early ripe variety, the period from mass shoots to technical ripeness is 95-105 days. The head of the cabbage is oval, loose, weighing 350 g. The leaf is large, oblong, and dark red, the main vein of the leaf..
Chicory "Rossa di Verona sel. Arca"
Chicory "Rossa di Verona sel. Arca" - Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum.  High-yielding, cold-resistant variety. It is cultivated as a biennial crop. By the end of the first year, it builds up a powerful rosette of leaves and a root ..
Chicory "Variegata di Castelfranco" (escarole)
Chicory escarole "Variegata di Castelfranco" - Cichorum endivia var. latifolium. Medium early variety. Forms a large head of cabbage with large rounded "sprayed with paint" leaves and a short stem. In the cold, the leaves b..
Chicory salat "Palla Rossa Tardiva"
Chicory head-salat ''Palla Rossa Tardiva'' - Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum. A very valuable vegetable that lowers blood sugar. A mid-late variety cultivated both in greenhouses and outdoors for spring-autumn harvests. The..
Chicory salat "Rossa di Verona"
Chicory salat "Rossa di Verona" - Cichorium intybus var. foliosum. Early maturing (75-95 days) variety of the Radicchio cultivar type. The rosette of leaves is powerful. The head of cabbage is round, dense, compact, with an inten..
Showing 26 to 50 of 366 (15 Pages)