Liatris spicata L.
Brand: Legutko
Packaged:0,2 g
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Ex Tax: 1.55€
Button snakeroot (Colic-root, Dense gayfeather) - Liatris spicata.
Stems simple 60-100 cm tall. Narrow leaves, collected in a rosette, fall like a fountain.
The flowers are red-violet, collected in spike-shaped inflorescence up to 35-40 cm long.
Blossoms in June-July 35-40 days. Grows well in a sunny, warm or hot location.
The soil he needs is moderately dry, loose, rich in nutrients. On heavy, damp soils, the plant rots.
Propagated by dividing the bush and seeds. Seedlings bloom in the second year.
Liatris has tuberous rhizomes that can be easily divided. The division is recommended every 3 years in May or August.

Origin: USA: Maine to Florida, westwards to Louisiana
Special features: a lower growing seed strain with the same impressive architectural flowering spikes as the wild species
Colour: lilac-rose blossoms on stiff spikes that flower (interestingly!) from the top down
Natural Flowering Period: July - September
Winter hardiness: Z3

Growth Habit: Thick clumps
Foliage: Narrow basal leaves 40 cm  long
Height with Flower: 60-90 cm
Spacing between plants: 50 cm
Soil requirement: well-drained soils but will prefer a bit more moisture than other Liatris species, pH 5.8 - 6.8
Location: Full sun
Use: plant together in the border with
Knautia macedonica, Lavandula "Hidcote Blue Superior" and Platycodon "Fairy Snow"
Specialities: easy and reliable from seed, attracts bees.

Cultural Tips:
Grams per 1000 seeds: 3,3
Seed Requirement: 10 g / 1000 plants
Best Sowing Date: Anytime
Way of Germination: Fast Germinator
Germination: Rapidly germinating, keep seed in constant moisture (not wet) with temperatures of about +20°C. Seeds must be covered thinly. Keep in cooler conditions after germination occurs. The germination might be slower and more irregular. This poses no problems.
Germination to Transplant: 4 - 8 weeks
Transplanting to salable Plant: 6 - 10 weeks
Fertilization: Medium.

Blazing (Dense gayfeather), button snakeroot, colic-root, dense blazingstar, devil's bit, gay-feather, spiked gayfeather. Bot. syn.: Lacinaria spicata (L.)

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