Limonium sinuatum (L.) Mill.
Brand: Semo
Packaged:0,5 g
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Ex Tax: 2.15€
Sinuate statice "Dark Blue".
Perennial plant, cultivated as an annual. ​​​​​​
Stems up to 70 cm high. Basal leaves are numerous, up to 10 cm long. In cultivation since 1600.
Location: statice is a fairly cold-resistant plant, can tolerate light frosts, and is very light-loving. In order to get a compact plant with dense shields, it is necessary for the sun to illuminate it from morning until evening; even a slightly shaded place leads to a deterioration in the quality of cutting and loss of compactness.
Statice is drought-resistant, undemanding to soil. Reproduction: seeds, which are sown for seedlings from the end of February to the end of March.
One gram contains 350 seeds. Statice seeds are stored for 4-5 years.
Shoots appear 7-10 days after sowing. Seedlings are picked into pots, since the plant does not tolerate transplantation well due to its deep taproot. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the second half of May at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. Top dressing is carried out with a complete complex fertilizer once every 10-15 days.
Flowering begins in mid-June, sometimes directly in the seedlings. In such cases, the first flowers must be removed.
Use: statice is widely used for landscaping in flower beds, flower beds, groups, mixborders, especially low compact varieties, as well as for cutting into live bouquets and for drying.
This crop is also interesting because during flowering it attracts a large number of butterflies.
Peduncles intended for drying are cut off when fully bloomed, since the buds do not open when drying. It makes sense to cut not fully opened inflorescences only before the rain, since the membranous funnels of the cups are damaged by raindrops and lose their decorative effect.
Dry the cuttings in dry, ventilated, darkened rooms, tying them into bunches and hanging them on trellises (when dried in the light, the stems turn pale and yellow, and pink and salmon colors can fade).
Blue and yellow colors are usually resistant to fading.
Statice is cut until the frost. In frostbitten inflorescences, flowers begin to fall off the peduncles (such material can be used for small crafts, panels, artificial bonsai).

Eng.: Sinuate Statice, Wavyleaf Sealavender. Bot. syn.: Limonium capcicum (bellidifolium).

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