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A perennial from the Crassulaceae family with edible foliage and roots rich in vitamins.
Origin: Western USA and Canada.
Subalpine or alpine species, resistant to wet soils.
Flower colour: brilliant purple-red.
Foliage: flattened, oblong, succulent.
Flowering plant height: 30 cm.
Distance between plants: 30 cm.
Natural flowering period: April – June.
Soil requirements: moist, medium fertility.
Winter hardiness zones: Z2 – Z7. Winter-hardy without shelter.
In the south of the Magadan region, Rhodiola whole-leaved (R. integrifolia) is found. This species is the most hardy, dry-loving and decorative. The seed pods look no less impressive than the flowers. The plant also thrives in Estonia.
Location: prefers a sunny location.
Soil: requires well-drained, nutritious soil. During the growth period they are moisture-loving; after flowering, waterlogging is unacceptable.
Reproduction: by seeds and division of rhizomes. The seeds are very small, so growing seedlings is difficult and is only possible in protected soil. 1,0 g = 7050 seeds.
Seedlings are not capricious but require sufficient lighting and even, moderate watering. Flowering occurs 3-4 years after sowing. Vegetative propagation is easy by division and cuttings of growing shoots in the spring. They live in one place without transplantation for a long time, but they tolerate it easily.
Use: an exceptionally elegant plant, looks especially impressive among grey and reddish stones.