A richly fruiting variety of mini bush tomato, suitable for growing in pots and hanging baskets.
The height of the plant reaches only 15 cm, the length of the whips is 100 cm, the diameter of the bush is 25-30 cm.The fruits are small, red and yellow, round, of excellent taste, with a diameter of 2.5-3.5 cm.
Cherry Tomato. Bot.: Lycopersicon lycopersicum.
* Under what conditions are tomato flowers pollinated better?
Tomato is a self-pollinating plant. Tomato pollen is heavy and is poorly carried by the wind, so it lands on the stigma of the same flower 2-3 days before the ovules ripen.
This is very important to consider when obtaining hybrid seeds.
In order for seeds to form, the stamens with unripe pollen are removed from the flower and pollinated with pollen taken from a flower of another variety.
Fertilization of the flower occurs at an air temperature of +24+32°C. Lower or higher temperatures lead to pollination failure.
At high temperatures (over +32°C), the pistil stretches above the stamens and pollination does not occur.