Lycopersicon lycopersicum
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:10 s.
Ex Tax: 3.25€
Beefsteak tomato "Country Taste" F1.
Very tasty, fleshy and juicy.
Medium-early indeterminant hybrid for cultivation in foilhouses and on free soil. Fruit is slightly ribbed near stalk.
Weighting about 200-250 g.
* Number of 1000 seeds = 3,0 g.
* Number of seeds in 1,0 g = 250-300.

Did you know that ... more than 65% relative humidity in a greenhouse is detrimental to the crop. Therefore, it is desirable to water strictly under the root, without moistening the plant.
To do this, remove the strainer from the watering can, and when watering from a hose, in no case allow the whole plant to be sprinkled. After watering, the greenhouse is ventilated.
Thus, all tomatoes, peppers, eggplants in protected ground are watered.

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