Solanum lycopersicum L.
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:15 s.
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 3.45€
Tomato "Eduardo" F1.
Medium early, high-yielding hybrid variety. It is appreciated for its large, elongated, tasty fruits.
Plants are strong and tall, forming fruits weighing 130-150 g and 12 cm long, beautiful finger-shaped.
Can be consumed both fresh and for canning.
A high-yielding variety with a long fruiting period. Due to its resistance to diseases, it gives a good yield even under unfavorable growing conditions.
Recommended for indoor cultivation (greenhouses, greenhouses and balconies).
The seeds are sown in March. The temperature of the substrate used for sowing must be at least +21 +26 ° C, the room temperature must be at least +23 ° C.
Transplant seedlings with 2-4 true leaves into individual pots or cassettes.
Tomato seedlings are planted on a permanent place when the threat of night frosts has passed (in the climatic conditions of Estonia, this is the end of May - beginning of June).
15 seeds are enough for an area of ​​6-8 m2.


* Adjika.
Ingredients: 5 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of carrots, 1 kg of apples, 1 kg of sweet pepper, 6-7 pods of hot pepper, 300 g of garlic, 1 cup of 6% apple cider vinegar, 2/3 cup of sugar, 1 cup of sunflower oil, 3 tbsp. salt without top.
1. Vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, sweet pepper) and apples (sour, like Antonovka, without peeling) pass through a meat grinder or grind using a food processor. Cook for about an hour in an enamel bowl over low heat.
2. Grind the hot pepper pods, add the mixture to the brew along with sugar, sunflower oil and salt. Cook for another 1 hour.
3. 15 minutes before readiness, add ground garlic and vinegar.
4. Pour the hot mixture into sterile jars and store closed at room temperature.

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