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Mid-early variety (60-70 days from planting seedlings) of determinant tomato.
The plant is undersized and compact, with stable and friendly fruiting. Fruits are flat-round, orange, weighing 120-150 g.
The pulp is dense, fleshy and very tasty with a high content of carotene and dry matter.
The grade differs in high productivity, resistance to diseases and it is well stored.
Recommended for baby and diet food, ideal for home cooking, cooking and decorating salads.
1.0 g = 250-300 seeds.
Tomatoes can be grown directly in the ground. On raised beds, yields are higher. Since autumn, peat and a small amount of manure or compost are introduced into the soil.
Shortly before planting the seedlings, a complex fertilizer is planted in the ground. Unfortunately, pathogens and pests quickly accumulate in the soil, so every two years it must either be sterilized or replaced with a fresh one.
The problems associated with the use of soil have led to the emergence of other ways of growing tomatoes in a protected field.
For example, it is convenient to use flower pots with a diameter of 25 cm filled with compost that does not contain mineral soil.
In recent years, tomatoes have been increasingly grown in compost bags, which is convenient but requires a well-thought-out irrigation system.
When growing a large number of seedlings, seeds are sown densely in trays or bowls, sprinkled with soil on top, moistened and kept at a temperature not lower than + 16ºС.
When two true leaves appear on the seedlings, the seedlings dive into peat pots with a diameter of 9 cm.
If you need a few plants, buy ready-made seedlings from a reliable supplier or sow two seeds each in peat pots with a diameter of 8 cm (the weak plant is then removed).
When the seedlings reach 15-20 cm in height and the flowers in the first brush begin to bloom, the seedlings are planted in compost bags, pots or soil at a distance of 50 cm between plants.
In a heated greenhouse (night temperature + 9 + 11 ºС), seedlings obtained from seeds sown in December - January are planted in late February - early March.
The first harvest is taken in May - June.
In an unheated greenhouse, seedlings grown from seeds sown indoors in February - March are planted in May. The first harvest is in July.
The main stem is tied to support or guided along a stretched vertical rope. Axillary shoots (stepchildren) break out at a length of 2-3 cm.
When the plants reach about 1.2 m in height, the leaves below the first brush are removed. Throughout the season, yellowing leaves under the brushes are removed by cutting them off with a sharp knife.
Water regularly and the soil should be constantly moist. With irregular watering, the final flowers in the brush may rot or the fruits may crack. With each watering, they are fed with fertilizer for tomatoes. Plants in compost bags are watered very often.
For better pollination, the plants are constantly sprayed and the inflorescences are shaken. In summer, the greenhouse is regularly ventilated, and the temperature is not allowed to rise above +24ºС.
When the plants reach the roof of the greenhouse, or after the formation of seven brushes, pinch the top of the stem, leaving two leaves above the top brush.