Lycopersicon lycopersicum L.
Brand: Aelita
Packaged:20 s.
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 4.05€
Tomato "Supersteak" F1.
The fruits are fleshy, tasty and sweet. Resistant to Phytophthora.
An excellent mid-season hybrid of a new generation with stable fruiting in any weather. For glazed and unheated film shelters. The period from germination to harvest is 100-110 days. The plant is vigorous, 1.5-2.0 m, forms up to 8 clusters. The fruits are beautiful, large, fleshy, sweet and incredibly tasty. They have no voids.
The average fruit weight is 450 g, the maximum is 900 g. It sets fruit 15 days earlier than other large-fruited mid-season hybrids. It perfectly combines high productivity with large fruit, good fruit set in temperature contrasts. It is distinguished by genetic resistance to late blight, TMV, cladosporiosis, bacterial spot and root-knot nematode.
Ideal for salads and processing.

Tomat Supersteak Томат Суперстейк

Crops in: 80 Days 
Description: Cordon (Indeterminate). A superb beefsteak tomato with meaty, delicious fruit and heavy yields. One slice can fill a sandwich, as most weigh (450-900 gms) 1 to 2lb each! Great for competitions, slicing and making fresh tomato juice. You could grow a record breaker! (Formerly known as Tomato Jumbo Tom)
Sowing Instructions: Sow from January to May 6 mm deep in a good compost. Germination usually takes 6-14 days at 18ºC. Transplant the seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5 cm pots and grow on in a good light and cooler conditions. 
To grow outdoors sow April-May and plant out after all risk of frost 45 cm apart in a sunny spot on light, rich, well drained soil.
Growing Instructions: When 15-23 cm tall plant out 45 cm apart in a prepared greenhouse border soil, growbag, 23 cm pots etc.
Aftercare Instructions: Remove side shoots as they appear but always leave the top two side shoots as this variety sometimes forms a flower truss at the top of the plant. Should this happen one of the side shoots can be used as a replacement leader. Pinch out the growing point when 5-7 trusses have set.

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