Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.)
Brand: Baltic Agro
Packaged:6 s.
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.35€
Watermelon "Crimstar" F1.
Early (period from full germination to the first harvest of fruits 73-89 days) hybrid for open and protected ground. The fruits are round, leveled, green with dark stripes, weighing 4-5.5 kg. The bark is thin, dense. The pulp is dark red, sugary, tender, with excellent taste. Commercial qualities of fruits are preserved for 1.5 months after harvest.
The value of the hybrid: a high percentage of sugar content, retains the density of the pulp during storage. Anthracnose resistant.
Plants are tied to a trellis, all lateral shoots are removed up to a height of 50 cm, the next ones are pinched over 1-3 leaves. It is possible to grow in free culture in spreading. Watering is moderate, especially during fruit ripening. Productivity up to 8.3 kg/sq.m.
Recommended for fresh consumption and preparation of watermelon honey.
1.0 g = 10-20 seeds.

Eng.: Watermelon. Suom.: Vesimeloni. Sven.: Vattenmelon.

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