Allium angulosum L.
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,15 g
Ex Tax: 2.95€
Mouse garlic - Allium angulosum.
Cold-resistant, moisture-loving, resistant to disease.
Perennial from the Alliaceae family.
Origin: Mediterranean region, Southern Alps, Balkans, Western Asia.
The inflorescence is small, hemispherical. Inflorescence color: pink-violet.
The plant consists of a bunch of 5-6 bright green linear narrow leaves that are shorter than the stem. They depart from a small bulb attached to a creeping rhizome. Bulbs sit close to it.
Natural flowering period: mid-June - August.
Flowering plant height: 35-45 cm.
Distance between plants: 30 cm.
Soil requirements: dry, medium nutritional value.
Application: for rock garden, for cutting into bouquets. Excellent honey plant. Great for dried flower arrangements.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3 - Z9.
1.0 g = 580 seeds. Seeds are black, angular and small. They have high germination and keep it for 3-4 years.
Its seeds can be sown in early spring, in the second half of summer or in autumn. The seed sowing rate is 0.8-1 g/m², which should be sown either in early spring or in the second half of summer.
It can also be grown from seedlings.
In culture, when propagated by seeds, the number of bulbs in the nest can be 15-20, and the number of leaves - 80-100.
In mid-late May, you can carry out the first cutting of leaves.
Care consists of loosening, weeding, watering and top dressing.
The leaves of the angular onion are pleasant to the taste, tender and not coarsening for a long time - they are loved by both children and animals. The feather of this bow grows one of the first among perennial bows.

Bot. syn.: Allium acutangulum Schrad., Allium laxum G.Don, Allium pyrenaicum hort., Cepa angulosa Bernh.

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