Dianthus amurensis L.
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,05 g
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Amur River Pink - Dianthus amurensis.
Ideal for creating a "flower rug"!
Ground cover perennial from the family Caryophyllaceae with numerous branched stems. Plant height up to 30 cm. Leaves linear-lanceolate, acute, up to 5 cm long. Flowers solitary, rarely collected in loose inflorescences, lilac-pink, with dissected tips of petals, 2 cm in diameter.
Origin: Amur River, Siberia.
A very hardy species that blooms later than others in this family. Easily grown from seed. Blooms in the year of sowing.
Well suited to poor but well-drained soils. Prefers non-acidic garden soils in full sun.
Natural flowering period: July - September.
Dianthus amurensis is an extraordinarily beautiful carnation that blooms profusely and forms a domed shrub with erect stems and charming lilac-pink, solitary, very fragrant flowers. Until late autumn, its silver-green foliage is also decorative, forming dense, spherical pillows.
Used for group plantings, rock garden and for cutting. A wonderful plant for balcony boxes.
Sowing: March-July for seedlings or sowing in open ground. Seedlings dive in the phase of 2-3 pairs of true leaves. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in May-September at a distance of 30 cm. 1.0 g = 1750 seeds.
Care: prefers shady places with light, fertile, sandy or loamy soil. It does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water (it easily rots from dampness). For the winter, young plants should be covered with dry leaves or peat. It grows in one place for several years.
Flowering: July-September.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3 - Z7.

Eng.: Amur River Pink, Chinese pink, Rainbow pink, velvet and lace dianthus. Bot. syn.: Dianthus chinensis L.

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