Eggplant "Agata" F1
Eggplant "Agata" F1.
An early hybrid variety for growing in greenhouses. The plant is tall. The fruits are oval, with black shiny skin, weighing about 550 g.
The pulp is white and dense, there are very few seeds. Can be fried, stewed and canned.
To grow beautiful, large fruits, no more than 3-4 stems should be left on the plant, and weaker stems should be cut off.
Agricultural technology.
Eggplant seeds are planted in late February - early March. The temperature during seedling cultivation is maintained at +25+28°C until germination, after germination - +18°C during the day, and not lower than +14°C at night.
The plant is pricked out in the phase of 1-2 true leaves. The seedlings are transplanted into open ground when the threat of frost has passed. Planting density is up to 5 plants per 1 sq.m.
Further care consists of regular fertilizing, weeding and loosening.
1.0 g = 200-220 seeds.
An early hybrid variety for growing in greenhouses. The plant is tall. The fruits are oval, with black shiny skin, weighing about 550 g.
The pulp is white and dense, there are very few seeds. Can be fried, stewed and canned.
To grow beautiful, large fruits, no more than 3-4 stems should be left on the plant, and weaker stems should be cut off.
Agricultural technology.
Eggplant seeds are planted in late February - early March. The temperature during seedling cultivation is maintained at +25+28°C until germination, after germination - +18°C during the day, and not lower than +14°C at night.
The plant is pricked out in the phase of 1-2 true leaves. The seedlings are transplanted into open ground when the threat of frost has passed. Planting density is up to 5 plants per 1 sq.m.
Further care consists of regular fertilizing, weeding and loosening.
1.0 g = 200-220 seeds.