Cimicifuga ramosa
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,13 g
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Ex Tax: 2.95€
Bugbane "Atropurpurea" (Autumn Snakeroot) - Cimicifuga ramosa.
Large, up to 2 m tall, late flowering (August-October) plants.
Variety "Atropurpurea" is a tall (up to 2 m) plant, "flaunting" red-brown leaves at the beginning of the season, later turning green. The flowers are white.
Flowers: Summer.
Position: Partial Shade.
Aftercare: Easy.
An attractive, clump-forming perennial, grown mainly for its stunning deep red, almost black foliage. During mid-summer, slender branched stems appear baring racemes of intriguingly scented white flowers. Ideal for adding interest to a semi-shaded border.
Height: Up to 1.2-2.4 m.
Sowing Instructions: sow Mid January to Mid March on the surface of lightly firmed, moist seed compost in pots or trays. Cover with a fine sprinkling of compost or vermiculite. After sowing, seal the container inside a polythene bag and leave it at around +21 °C for 3 months. Then, place the container and bag into a refrigerator (not a freezer) for a further 3 months. Then, return to +21 °C. Germination can be slow. Examine the container regularly and carefully transplant individual seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5 cm pots or trays. If germination has not occurred within this period, then repeat the cycle as shown above.
Growing Instructions: gradually acclimatise plants to cooler conditions for a few weeks before planting out after all risk of frost, 60 cm apart in moist, loamy soil in part shade.

Haruline lursslill Cimicifuga ramosa

Cimicifuga ramosa Atropurpurea Haruline lursslill
Autumn Snakeroot, Black Cohosh. Bot. syn.: Actaea simplex, Cimicifuga simplex.

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