Lupinus polyphyllus
Brand: Semo
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Bigleaf garden lupine (mixture) - Luphinus polyphyllus.
Favorite showy flowers.
Unpretentious perennial. Long standing in the cut!
Plant height 90-100 cm.
The plant prefers sunny areas, it is not demanding on soils, it grows well on any garden soil.
Seeds are sown in April-May in open ground in a permanent place, keeping the distance between plants 20-25 cm.
Shoots appear on 25-30 days.

A flower garden by the waterfall, pleasing to the eye throughout July and August.
The life-giving spring, surrounded by magnificent flowering plants, looks romantic and slightly mysterious ...
The basis of this composition is made up of tall plants: lupins, bells and perennial poppies,
and the bright flowering of poppies is emphasized by the rich and contrasting green foliage of the hygrophilous hosta.
In some places, light green euphorbia inflorescences are visible, the lower part of the stems of tall plants is decorated with salvia and geranium.
The composition is completed by plants planted on the upper plane of the wall: gentian and low-growing lavender variety.
A sunny location is desirable for all plants, although geraniums, bellflower, gentian and hosta also grow well in partial shade.

Mini-juga aias, Мини-водопад в саду

Романтичный уголок с водопадом в саду
1. Plaintain lily (Hosta sp.)
2. Chimney bellflower (Campanula pyramidalis)
3. Oriental poppy (Papaver orientale)
4. Annual sage (Salvia horminum)
5. Meadow cranesbill (Geranium pratense)
6. Garden lupine (Lupinus sp.)
7. French lavender (Lavandula stoechas)
8. Spotted gentian(Gentiana dahurica)
9. Cushion spurge (Euphorbia polychroma).

Eng.: Bigleaf lupine, garden lupin. 
Bot. syn.: Lupinus alilatissimus C. P. Sm., Lupinus apodotropis Heller, Lupinus bernardianus, Lupinus grandifolius, Lupinus macrophyllus Benth., Lupinus magnus Greene, Lupinus matanuskensis C. P. Sm., Lupinus pallidipes Heller, Lupinus pseudopolyphyllus C. P. Sm., Lupinus stationis, Lupinus superbus Heller.

* The seeds of some perennials and annuals can be successfully sown directly into the ground in late autumn (before winter). The sowing time must be calculated so that they do not have time to germinate before the onset of stable frosts. For this, the soil is prepared in advance (in September - early October), it is leveled and marked.
Sowing is carried out with the onset of stable frosts. Crops are covered with humus, peat or a mixture of peat and sand. Of the perennials for winter sowing, the following crops can be recommended: Gypsophila, Greater Meadow Rue, Anemone, Columbine, Lupine, Maltese Cross, Button Snakeroot, many types of Bells, Globe Flower.
Before winter, the following annuals are sown: Satinflower, African Daisy, Ajax larkspur, Сalendula, Сosmos, Rose Mallow, Sweet alyssum, Flanders poppy, Fennelflower (nigella), Sweet Mignonette, Drummond's phlox.
For the listed annuals, winter sowing has advantages over spring sowing. Seedlings appear in early spring, when the soil is not yet very hot and retains a sufficient amount of moisture. In spring, when there is a lot of other work, the optimal sowing time can be missed. And then the seeds will germinate already in warmed and dry soil, which will affect the quality of annuals: many of them will be stunted, they will bloom weakly.

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