Popular ornamental grass.
Hardy Annual. Height: 18 inches. Ideal For: Bedding, Border, Cottage Garden, Flower Arranging.
Germination: easy.
Aftercare: easy.
Soft, fur-like, silky heads with grace and beauty.
Sowing Instructions: sow in trays, pots, etc of good seed compost in a propagator or warm place to maintain an optimum temperature of +15+18 ° C.
Sowing Depth: ¼ Inch (6 mm).
Sowing time: March to April. The seed can also be sown outdoors where it is to flower in mid-spring.
Growing instructions: transplant seedlings when large enough to handle. Harden off and plant out when all risk of frost has passed. Space the plants 30 cm apart.
1,0 g = 1600-1800 seeds.

Hare`s Tail Grass. Bot. syn.: Lagyrus ovatus.
Summer and winter.
The haretail is an annual, blooms closer to summer, and then it is collected and dried with its tails down, some even paint the tails, put them in a vase and admire them all winter.
Popular ornamental grass. Grows on any soil, moisture-loving and cold-resistant. Care consists only of frequent watering and top dressing. In this case, panicles grow especially large, there can be several of them on one plant.
Sowing: in the ground in May. And you can sow in April in pots at home. After 10-15 days, shoots will appear, they need to be thinned out and given the brightest place. When planting sprouts in a permanent place, leave a distance of 10-15 cm between them.
Top dressing: in the spring with nitrogen fertilizers, with an interval of 7-10 days. During intensive growth, we use complex fertilizer: 1-2 times in 7 days. Beautiful on a rocky hill, but, as a rule, it is grown as a dried flower for winter compositions.
Tip: do not wait until the inflorescences begin to fade, they will acquire a dirty shade. Cut off the haretail as soon as it is spiked. You can dry it by tying it in bundles and hanging it in a ventilated room or laying it out in a thin layer on the table. If you cut the haretail in time and dry it properly, it will retain its decorative effect for several years.
By the way, both immature, greenish ponytails and yellow, fully opened ones look great in dry bouquets. Both colours (green and yellow) will be preserved if cut cereals are dried in the shade. And in the bright sun, the inflorescences become almost white.