Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L.
Brand: Semo
Packaged:0,6 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 0.95€
Head lettuce "Detenicka atrakce".
An early ripe variety of large-headed lettuce with very dense "heads", intended for cultivation both in spring and in autumn.

For medicinal purposes, mainly juice and infusion of lettuce are used. Lettuce juice refreshes and quenches thirst. Recommended for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, elderly and sedentary people, obesity, poliomyelitis, etc.
Fresh juice improves sleep and well-being, stimulates hematopoiesis and tissue growth, eliminates overexcitation and stress, strengthens nervous and muscle tissue, and acts as a sedative and diuretic. It is recommended for bronchitis, gout and whooping cough, as a sobering agent. Promotes scarring of ulcers in patients with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, regulation of water metabolism in the body, improvement of metabolism and blood composition, normalization of the digestive organs, eliminate the development of hypo- and beriberi, prevent fragility of blood vessels, stimulates the excretion of cholesterol from the body and is a good tool in the prevention of atherosclerosis and sclerosis.
Improves sleep (1/2 cup at night). Useful in combination with carrot juice (1:2), carrot and cucumber (5:7:4), carrot and fan (5:7:4), apple juice and sour milk (1:1:3), tomato, apple juice, sour milk (2:1:1:7). Assign 1/2-1 glass of juice with a tablespoon of honey 2-3 times a day.
Milky juice is used in homoeopathy.
Salad has low-calorie content, so it is recommended to include them in the diet for obesity.
In folk medicine, lettuce is used as a good sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic and mildly hypnotic.
For insomnia, it is advised to drink a glass of lettuce infusion 1-1.5 hours before bedtime (1 tablespoon of finely chopped leaves is poured into 1 cup of boiling water and insisted until completely cooled). Infusion (20 g of leaves per 200 ml of water) is used for hypertension, neurasthenia and insomnia.
An infusion of seeds is used as a lactogenic agent for lactating women.
1,0 g = 600-1000 seeds.

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