Lunaria biennis L.
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:2,0 g
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Ex Tax: 0.80€
Honesty (silver plate, white satin flower, moonwort) - Lunaria biennis.
Silvery “coins” in the flower garden!
A biennial plant grown as an annual in our cool climate. Unusual fruits - filmy pods with a transparent mother-of-pearl partition. The plant is 80-90 cm high. The flowers are white and reddish-violet, collected in a simple panicle. Blooms from May to mid-June.
Used for work and groups. An original dried flower for winter bouquets.
Prefers sunny places, but tolerates partial shade, loose and fertile soils. Propagated by sowing seeds in June in a permanent place, maintaining a distance between plants of 30-35 cm. The depth of seeding is 0.5 cm. At a soil temperature of +18°C, seedlings appear on the 7-10th day.
Soil: moonwort grows on any sufficiently fertilized garden soil.
Location: it is best to grow in an open sunny area, but light partial shade is also acceptable.
Sowing: in the ground in late spring or early and even mid-summer. Lunaria seeds are large, in the form of flat cakes 5-6 mm wide. (1.0 g = 20 seeds).
They are easy to sow immediately in a permanent place at a sufficient distance from each other, which means that the plant does not need to be replanted later. The distance between plants is 30-35 cm. Seeds germinate in a week.
Care: fertilizing is required only on very poor soils more than once every 4-8 weeks.
Usage: when the boxes turn brown, the stems are cut off at the root and dried in a dry room for two weeks. Then you need to remove the outer plates of these pods by light friction between your fingers, which will leave a thin, parchment-like partition with a pearlescent sheen. If you carefully peel all the pods and remove the seeds, the stem turns into an original flower with many oval translucent leaves, each of which looks like a small moon. In this form, Lunaria is unusually good in winter bouquets.

Money Plant, annual honesty, money flower, moonwort, silver dollar plant, silver plate, white satin flower.

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