Mossy saxifrage "Flamingo"
Mossy saxifrage "Flamingo" - Saxifraga x arendsii.
A bright carpet of only inflorescences!
This is an unpretentious evergreen perennial, during the flowering period it becomes like a lush bright carpet, when dense rosettes of leaves are completely invisible under numerous flowers.
Collected in paniculate inflorescences, the flowers open sequentially one after another, providing continuous flowering for at least a month.
Growing conditions.
Sowing seedlings. The seeds are small, they are almost never covered up, they are only slightly sprinkled. Germinate for 2-3 weeks. Seedlings dive in the phase of the 1st true leaf.
The plant is light-requiring, winter-hardy. Prefers light, well-drained soils. Blooms in the second year after sowing. For the winter, cover with a layer of leaves of 10 cm.
1,0 g = 20000 seeds.
A bright carpet of only inflorescences!
This is an unpretentious evergreen perennial, during the flowering period it becomes like a lush bright carpet, when dense rosettes of leaves are completely invisible under numerous flowers.
Collected in paniculate inflorescences, the flowers open sequentially one after another, providing continuous flowering for at least a month.
Growing conditions.
Sowing seedlings. The seeds are small, they are almost never covered up, they are only slightly sprinkled. Germinate for 2-3 weeks. Seedlings dive in the phase of the 1st true leaf.
The plant is light-requiring, winter-hardy. Prefers light, well-drained soils. Blooms in the second year after sowing. For the winter, cover with a layer of leaves of 10 cm.
1,0 g = 20000 seeds.
Mossy Saxifrage. Bot. syn.: Saxifraga caespitosa grandiflora; Saxifraga exarata x Saxifraga granulata x Saxifraga hypnoides x Saxifraga rosacea.