Tomato "Koliber"
Tomato "Koliber". Late-ripening (87-95 days) variety for protected soil. The plant is tall. Requires pinching and gartering. The fruits are smooth, plum-shaped (4 x 3 cm), with delicate creamy-yellow flesh. Value of the variety: abundant ..
Tomato "Koralik"
Tomato "Koralik". Томат "Коралик". Сорт типа черри, детерминантный. Растение кустовoе с полегающими стеблями. Многочисленно расположенные в гроздях плоды диаметром 1,5-2 см, красного цвета, округлой формы.&..
Tomato "Krakus"
Tomato "Krakus". A mid-late tomato variety for greenhouses (growing season - 110-120 days). The plant is semi-determinate, medium-sized (110-130 cm high). The fruits are large, round and round-flat in shape, smooth, dark red in color..
Tomato "Luban"
Tomato "Luban". Early maturing (95-100 days), high-yielding variety of the standard type, intended for growing in the open field. Plants are dwarf and very compact, 60-80 cm high. Forms flat-rounded fruits weighing 90-120 g, 5-10 pieces pe..
Tomato "Maliniak"
Tomato "Maliniak". Fruitful and tasty with raspberry coloring! Mid-late amateur variety (110-120 days from germination to harvest). Fruits are flat-round, raspberry-pink in color, weighing 500-700 g. Plants 60-90 cm tall, requiring a gar..
Tomato "Malinowy Olbrzym"
Tomato "Malinowy Olbrzym". Mid-season variety with delicious raspberry fruits of amazing taste (110-115 days from germination to ripening). Plant height up to 1 m. Fruits are pink, large, weighing up to 200 g, slightly ribbed, multi-chamb..
Tomato "Malinowy Ozarowski"
Tomato "Malinowy Ozarowski". Large-fruited tomato variety with pink fruits weighing 100-120 g (the first ones - up to 350 g). Plant height 2.0 m. The cluster produces 7-9 fruits (in some up to 14!). Early ripening: 95-100 days from germi..
Tomato "Marmande"
Tomato "Marmande". Multi-chamber and juicy fruit, with a pleasant sweet-sour taste! Medium early variety (110-115 days from germination to harvest). Grown in the open field and in the greenhouse. Height 90-130 cm, semi-determinate.&n..
Tomato "Ola polka"
Tomato "Ola polka". Ultra early variety of Polish selection. The plant is determinate, undersized. The stems are strong, they form 2-3 stems and do not require support. Fruits are round, weighing 30-50 g.  Yellow color, medium densi..
Tomato "Ondraszek"
Tomato "Ondraszek". Medium early, low growing variety, determinate. Recommended for processing and fresh consumption. The fruits are round, weighing about 100 g, deep red. The pulp is purple-red, homogeneous, very fleshy and tasty. 1,0 g..
Tomato "Pedro" F1
Tomato "Pedro" F1. Hybrid for protected ground (hotbeds and greenhouses), producing fruits of medium size and excellent taste. The weight of the fetus is 120-135 g. Eng.: Tomato. Bot.: Lycopersicon lycopersicum ..
Tomato "Pelikan" F1
Tomato "Pelikan" F1. Early ripening (95-100 days from germination to fruiting) indeterminate (with unlimited growth) hybrid variety. The fruits are round, smooth, weighing 100-120 g with 3-4 seed chambers. Planting pattern 35x40 cm. ..
Tomato "Perkoz" F1
Tomato "Perkoz" F1. Mid-season indeterminate (with unlimited growth) hybrid variety for film and winter greenhouses. The fruits are round in shape, weighing 70-110 g. The pulp is dense and tender, with excellent taste. Planting pattern 3..
Tomato "Perun"
Tomato "Perun". A powerful, indeterminate variety for growing in open and closed ground. Forms 10-15 fruits in a brush. Fruits are pear-shaped, yellow, weighing 15-20 g. ..
Tomato "Pikador"
Tomato "Picador". Mid-early, determinate variety for open ground. The fruits are medium-sized, pear-shaped (with 2-3 seed chambers), weighing 50-60 g, of high taste. Use: for salads and culinary processing. In March, the seeds are sown o..
Tomato "Poranek"
Tomato "Poranek". An early-ripening, low-growing variety for growing in open ground. Resistant to low temperatures and late blight. The fruits are spherical (slightly flattened), do not crack, weighing 60-80 g. The variety is ideal for ..
Tomato "Radana"
Cherry-tomato "RADANA". This is a mid-early indeterminate variety of tomato with small fruits which are pear-shaped. The fruits are red and one stalk carries a large number of fruits. The weight of individual fruits is approx. 15-20 g. 1..
Tomato "Remiz" F1
Tomato "Remiz" F1. An early ripening hybrid variety with complex resistance to major tomato diseases. The fruits are slightly flattened, dense in consistency, have excellent taste, and do not crack on the plant. Fruit weight 80-100 g. ..
Tomato "Roselady" F1
Tomato "Roselady" F1. Mid-early, high-yielding hybrid for open ground and film greenhouses. Plants are semi-determinate, 80-120 cm high. Fruits are round, dark pink, weighing 150-160 g. 5-6 fruits of the same size in a brush. The taste ..
Tomato "Rumba Ozarowska"
Tomato "Rumba Ozarowska". Early ripening variety. The plant is determinate, 50-70 cm high. For open and protected ground. The fruits are round-flat, smooth, bright red, dense, fleshy, highly marketable, weighing 100-110 g. Tasting score: ..
Tomato "Runner" F1
Tomato "Runner" F1. Very early (90-95 days from germination to fruiting), indeterminate (with unlimited growth) hybrid, recommended for open ground and film greenhouses. Forms dense and fleshy fruits weighing 200-250 g. They are used fres..
Tomato "Smarald"
Tomato-striped "Smarald". A variety with an atypical color and an interesting sweet and sour taste. Mid-season, tall variety. Grows well in open ground. The fruit has a very smooth skin, without cracks, weighing 150-200 g. When this gree..
Tomato "Szach"
Tomato "Szach". Very tasty flesh. Early variety: 61-70 days from sowing to harvest. With limp stems and potato leaves cultivar. It sets slightly flatten, smooth, very well shaped. Deep red fruits of 100-180 g. ..
Tomato "Talon"
Tomato "Talon" for open field. Medium-early variety (from planting seedlings to fruit ripening 75-80 days). Medium height. The fruits are slightly ribbed, dark red, fleshy, very tasty, weighing about 150 g. Fruiting is stable and long in ..
Tomato "Ulan"
Tomato for open ground "Ulan". The variety is determinant, 40-60 cm high. Medium early. The fruits are flat-round, smoothly leveled, bright red, very dense, multi-chambered, weighing 100-120 g. Purple-red fleshy pulp of a uniform consiste..
Showing 351 to 375 of 405 (17 Pages)