Broad bean "White Windsor" (5000,0 g)
Broad bean "White Windsor" - Vicia faba L. Mid-season, high-yielding variety. The beans are wide, the seeds are large, flat, greenish white, very tasty. It is intended for fresh consumption or culinary processing of dry seeds. The cu..
Broad beans "Bonzo"
Broad bean "Bonzo". Early variety. Plant height 80-100 cm. Pods 12-15 cm in size. 1,0 g = 1-1,5 seeds. ..
Broad beans "Bonzo" (500 g)
Broad bean "Bonzo". Early variety. Plant height 80-100 cm. Pods 12-15 cm in size. 1,0 g = 1-1,5 seeds. ..
Broad beans "Claro de Luna"
Broad beans "Claro de Luna". Early variety: from germination to milk ripeness 40-50 days, to seed ripening - 90-110 days. The plant is 75-100 cm high, with few branches. On one shoot it forms up to 10 pods 24-26 cm long. The beans are fl..
Broccoli "Sebastian"
Broccoli "Sebastian" - Brassica oleracea L. convar. botrytis var. italica. An early ripe variety that is grown both in spring and autumn. Heads are tied already after 30-40 days, and in autumn after 45-50 days. The variety is unique in th..
Broccoli (seed for germination) (100 g)
Broccoli microgreens - Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis italica. Who would have thought you could grow broccoli as a nutrient-dense mini-plant for two weeks? This amazing microgreen can be one of the healthiest. Broccoli as a microgreen is a..
Broccoli sprouting seeds
Broccoli microgreens - sprouting broccoli seeds (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis italica). Who would have thought that you could grow broccoli as a nutrient-packed mini plant for two weeks? This amazing microgreen can be one of the most beneficial t..
Butter daisy
Butter daisy (Melanie, blackfoots) - Melampodium paludosum. Sunny islands for semi-shaded corners of the garden and balconies. An annual thermophilic plant from the Asteracea family. It forms a lush bush with a height of 20-25 cm, in partial s..
Cactus flowered zinnia "Red man"
Cactus flowered elegant zinnia "Red man". The new look of this elegant zinnia with its erect stems is incredibly attractive. Spectacular, densely double inflorescences with narrow long petals rolled into a tube give the whole plant a very..
Calendula "Ivory Princess"
Calendula "Ivory Princess" - Calendula officinalis. Will add charm to the flowerbed and bouquet. One of the most decorative varieties of calendula: large, original inflorescences with exquisite white petals. Excellent cutting on long pedu..
Caraway - Carum carvi. A biennial herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family, 60-80 cm high. Cold-resistant and medicinal. Undemanding to heat and soil quality, but develops better in chernozem, sandy loam and light loamy areas. Seeds are so..
Carot "Nantes 3" (Tip Top) 50 g
Carot "Nantes 3". Mid-season variety (110-115 days pass from sowing to ripening). The length of the root crop is 16-20 cm. The root crop has a rounded tip. Excellent taste, universal application. 1.0 g = 800-1200 seeds. The best predece..
Carrot "Amsterdam 2"
Carrot "Amsterdam 2". Early variety: ripens within 80 days from germination. Not for storage. Sowing: at the end of April - beginning of May in a well-moistened, loose, fertile soil with a deep arable layer to a depth of 1.5-2.0 cm accord..
Carrot "Amsterdam 2" (100 g)
EARLY CARROT "AMSTERDAM 2" - Daucus carota L.  Grows best in cultivated, humus, not soaked easy clay loam or sandy loam sols. If the soil is heavy – sprout bad, the root vegetables are short, branchy, split. An early kind:..
Carrot "Amsterdam 3"
Carrot "Amsterdam 3". Early variety: ripens within 80 days from germination. Not for storage. Sowing: at the end of April - beginning of May in a well-moistened, loose, fertile soil with a deep arable layer to a depth of 1.5-2.0 cm accord..
Carrot "Amsterdam 3" (on the tape)
Carrot "Amsterdam 3" (seeds on the tape). Early variety: ripens within 80 days from germination. Not for storage. Sowing: at the end of April - beginning of May in a well-moistened, loose, fertile soil with a deep arable layer to a depth ..
Carrot "Cidera"
Carrot "Cidera". A high yielding late variety of Nantes type which is intended primarily for juice making and for preserving. The root is 21 - 23 cm long, has a long oval shape and very good colour. The whole head of the root is in the gro..
Carrot "Dolanka" (100,0 g)
Carrot "Dolanka". Tasty, tender and juicy. Late-ripening variety: the growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 135-150 days. The pulp is dark orange, without a pith. Conical in shape, aligned large roots with a blu..
Carrot "Dolanka" (50,0 g)
Carrot "Dolanka". Tasty, tender and juicy. Late-ripening variety: the growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 135-150 days. The pulp is dark orange, without a pith. Conical in shape, aligned large roots with a blu..
Carrot "Dolanka" (on the tape)
Carrot "Dolanka" (seeds on the tape). Tasty, tender and juicy. Late-ripening variety: the growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 135-150 days. The pulp is dark orange, without a pith. Conical in shape, aligned la..
Carrot "First harvest" (on a tape)
Carrot "First harvest" (seeds on a tape). Early variety: 70-75 days from germination. Root vegetables are sweet with excellent taste. The length of the root crop is 18-20 cm. ..
Carrot "First harvest" (pelleted seeds)
Carrot "First harvest" (seeds in granules). Early variety: 70-75 days from germination. Root vegetables are sweet with excellent taste. The length of the root crop is 18-20 cm. ..
Carrot "Flakkee 2" (50 g)
Carrot "Flakkee 2". Late, fertile variety. Harvested in 115-120 days after germination of seeds. Root crops ar cone-shaped, bright orange colour, sweet, 18-24 cm long. Do not tend to crack. Suitable for autumn harvest and storage during t..
Carrot "Karotela"
CARROT "KAROTELA". Medium early "Nantes" type variety. The vegetation period is 110-115 days. Roots are 18-20 cm long, blunt-ending. Core is small, round, orange flesh. Roots are not prone to cracks. Carrots are rich in vitamins ..
Carrot "Lenka"
Carrot "Lenka". Mid-season variety. Root crop 15-18 cm long with an orange-red core. ..
Showing 51 to 75 of 387 (16 Pages)