Bracted strawflower "Double mix"
Paper-flower "Double mix" - Helichrysum bracteatum.
A wonderful dried flower for creating a winter bouquet!
Plant height 100-110 cm. Inflorescence diameter up to 5 cm. Light-loving, cold-resistant and flowering plant. Stem erect, branched. Single inflorescences-baskets with hard, membranous petals. It is used for group plantings, winter bouquets and for cutting.
Sowing: March - April for seedlings or May by sowing in open ground with subsequent thinning (1.0 g = 1000 seeds).
Seedlings are picked a month after emergence into peat-humus pots. To enhance branching, plants with 6-8 leaves are pinched. They are planted in a permanent place at the end of May.
Flowering: July - September.
Care: prefers well-lit places with loose and fertile soil. In dry and hot weather, it needs regular watering. In the period before the onset of mass flowering, fertilize with complex mineral fertilizers at intervals of 10-14 days.
For winter bouquets, inflorescences are cut at the beginning of flowering in the morning, tied in bunches and dried in the shade down "heads".

Bracted strawflower, paper-flower. Bot. syn.: Helichrysum monstrosum, Xeranthemum bracteatum Vent., Bracteantha bracteata.
A wonderful dried flower for creating a winter bouquet!
Plant height 100-110 cm. Inflorescence diameter up to 5 cm. Light-loving, cold-resistant and flowering plant. Stem erect, branched. Single inflorescences-baskets with hard, membranous petals. It is used for group plantings, winter bouquets and for cutting.
Sowing: March - April for seedlings or May by sowing in open ground with subsequent thinning (1.0 g = 1000 seeds).
Seedlings are picked a month after emergence into peat-humus pots. To enhance branching, plants with 6-8 leaves are pinched. They are planted in a permanent place at the end of May.
Flowering: July - September.
Care: prefers well-lit places with loose and fertile soil. In dry and hot weather, it needs regular watering. In the period before the onset of mass flowering, fertilize with complex mineral fertilizers at intervals of 10-14 days.
For winter bouquets, inflorescences are cut at the beginning of flowering in the morning, tied in bunches and dried in the shade down "heads".

Bracted strawflower, paper-flower. Bot. syn.: Helichrysum monstrosum, Xeranthemum bracteatum Vent., Bracteantha bracteata.