Capsicum annuum L.
Brand: Kurzemes Seklas
Packaged:0,5 g
Ex Tax: 1.35€
Early ripening variety. Ripens in 100-129 days from germination. Determinate plant, 60-75 cm high. Fruits are large (80-128 g), juicy, sweet, with thick walls (5-6 mm), cubic-prismatic. Colour in technical maturity is green, in biological maturity - red. Grown in protected ground. 
Sowing: grown through seedlings without picking. Sow in pots in the first ten days of March. Seeds germinate on the 5-7th day at a soil temperature of at least +25 °C. Plant in a greenhouse after the end of spring frosts, 2-3 plants per 1 m2 in loose soil rich in organic matter. 
Care: abundant rare watering. During the fruiting period, it responds to nitrogen fertilizers; phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied during the flowering period, which increases the yield and quality of the fruit.
Harvesting: it is recommended to pick the fruit at the stage of technical ripeness (green fruit).
Yield: 8-10 kg/sq. m.
Resistance: resistant to verticillium wilt.
Use: an excellent variety for salads and stuffing.
1.0 g = 120-160 seeds.

The California Wonder Bell Pepper is a popular commercial producer with a great deal of history! It is an excellent stuffing pepper that is a sweet, flavorful, and a heavy producer of large bell peppers that begin their life as a beautiful jade green and mature to a rich scarlet red. This bell pepper can be grown easily in containers, making it ideal for the gardener with little space who still wants an abundance of magnificent bell peppers.
Did you know that... the California Wonder pepper is ideal for preparing the following dish: carefully remove the core from the green and red peppers. Add crushed garlic and mayonnaise to the grated cheese in such a proportion that the mass is not liquid. Add the prepared mass to each pepper and put it in the refrigerator so that it hardens better. When serving, cut the peppers with a very thin knife, slightly moistened with cold water, into neat circles, if possible of equal size.

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