Cucurbita pepo var. oleifera
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:2,0 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.20€
Oilseed pumpkin variety "Apetit".
A treat for lazy people!
A unique variety of gymnospermous pumpkin. The plant is vigorous, climbing type. The fruit is round in shape, medium in size, yellow in color with dark green spotted stripes.
Seeds without a hard shell, very tasty with a high content of microelements. Intended for fresh consumption and for obtaining seed products.
The seeds do not form a hard shell - only kernels!
Contain a large number of useful microelements, including zinc. The pulp is used for processing.
They are grown both through seedlings and by direct sowing in the ground. Planting depth is 4-8 cm. Seeds germinate at a temperature not lower than +15°C.
The culture is responsive to fertilization and watering.
Sowing: April(3) – May.
Transplantation: May (2.3) – June (1.2).
Harvest: September.

Did you know that... gymnosperm pumpkin restores salt metabolism and supports the immune system. Few people know that the appearance of small white spots on the surface of the nails is a signal of a lack of zinc in the body. Pumpkin seeds will help in this case.

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