Tomato "La-La-Fa" F1
Tomato "La-La-Fa" F1 TmC5F2N (Determinate hybrid).
Mid-season hybrid (100–110 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), intended for cultivation in film and glazed greenhouses. The plant is short (up to 80 cm). Fruits are flat-round, even, without voids, weighing 120-140 g or more, resistant to cracking.
Mid-season hybrid (100–110 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), intended for cultivation in film and glazed greenhouses. The plant is short (up to 80 cm). Fruits are flat-round, even, without voids, weighing 120-140 g or more, resistant to cracking.
Eng.: Tomato. Swen.: Tomat. Fin.: Tomaatti. Bot.: Lycopersicon lycopersicum