Cichorium intybus var. sativum
Tillverkare: Franchi
I paketet:12,0 g
Exkl moms: 1.45€
Cikoria (vägvårda) - Cichorium intybus L.

Common chicory is a perennial herb from the Asteraceae family 1-1.5 m high with a taproot up to 1.5 m long. Basal leaves form a rosette. This unpretentious plant, of course, should be planted in the garden - a lacy blue chicory cloud will greatly decorate the site. It blooms with bright blue flowers, collected in baskets, from June to September. A wonderful honey plant. Medicinal properties: the leaves and roots contain vitamins C and B1, carotene and chicoryic acid. The high content of inulin contributes to the effectiveness of chicory in diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders, liver diseases, and fat metabolism disorders.

Cichorium intybus Juursigur Цикорий 
Cikoria, cicoria, vägvårda.

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