Discount vegetables (shelf life - 12.2025)
Carrot "Rubina"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
1.46€ 0.87€
Carrot ''Rubina''. A late fertile variety, suitable mainly for storage. It is resistant to cracking and fanout of the roots.   Eng.: Carrot. Suom.: Porkkana. Sven.: Morot. Bot.: Daucus carota L. ..
Carrot "Tip-Top" (Nantes 3)
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
1.40€ 0.84€
CARROT "NANTES 3" (TIP TOP). Nanto type hybrid. Grows best in easy, highly cultivated sandy and clay loam soils. A very fertile nanto type kind, it grows best in cultivated, humus, not soaked, light clay loam or sandy loam soils. A medium-..
Catmint "Gatto"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
2.68€ 1.61€
Catmint "Gatto" - Nepeta cataria. A perennial plant with a lemon smell and a spicy-bitter taste. The stem is tetrahedral, erect, velvety-pubescent, 40-120 cm high. The leaves are triangular-heart-shaped, coarsely toothed, grayish from..
Cauliflower "Di Verona Tardivo"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
Cauliflower "Di Verona Tardivo". An excellent dietary product: rich in vitamins, easily absorbed. Late-ripening, high-yielding variety. The heads are white, dense, flat-round, of excellent taste. The variety is distinguished by a friendl..
Cauliflower "Marzatico"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
1.52€ 0.91€
Cauliflower "Marzatico" - Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L. Late-ripening, high-yielding variety. The heads are creamy white, dense, of excellent taste. The variety is distinguished by a friendly return of the harvest. Recommended f..
Celeriac "Maxim"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
1.52€ 0.91€
Root celeriac "Maxim". A late variety of celeriac intended for autumn harvest. It does not tend to bolt. Bulbs are rather big, globular, with cream white flesh. They can be used for immediate consumption, industrial processing, deep f..
Celeriac "Neon"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
1.52€ 0.91€
Celeriac "NEON". An early, high yielding and reliable variety. Roots are smooth skinned and white fleshed (they do not contain Anthocyan] that remains white when cooked. Plants have an extensive root system and healthy foliage, and are not..
Chick pea "Principe"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
9.33€ 5.59€
Chick pea "Principe". Mid-early variety. Dwarf plant 40-60 cm tall. Vigorous and of good production. The pod is of medium dimensions and contains 2-3 chickpeas. Harvest before complete maturity. Нут (Бараний горох, турецкий горох) ..
Chicory "di Chiavari" (wild succory, blue sailors, coffee chicory)
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
Succory "di Chiavari" - Cichorium intybus L. Chicory, blue daisy, blue sailors, coffee chicory, coffee weed, common chicory,  wild chicory, wild succory. Officinal (medicinal) plant;  Flowering: VII-IX. Clim. zone: Z..
Chicory "Variegata di Castelfranco" (escarole)
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
Chicory escarole "Variegata di Castelfranco" - Cichorum endivia var. latifolium. Medium early variety. Forms a large head of cabbage with large rounded "sprayed with paint" leaves and a short stem. In the cold, the leaves b..
Chinese cabbage "Concord" F1
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
CHINESE CABBAGE "CONCORD" F1. Medium-early hybrid variety for summer-autumn harvest. Loafs are large, cylindrical, tightly twisted, weighing about 2 kg. Suitable for salads, casseroles. Have good diet and healing properties. Seeds are sown..
Chinese cabbage "Emiko" F1
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
1.28€ 0.76€
Chinese cabbage "Emiko" F1. Exquisite taste! Universal medium-early hybrid variety. Cultivated for early spring, summer and autumn harvest. Autumn harvest can be maintained longer. Vegetation period is 65 days. Loafs are tightly twisted,..
Chinese cabbage "Mirako" F1
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
1.89€ 1.13€
Chinese cabbage "Mirako" F1 is a highly productive hybrid of Chinese cabbage from the Dutch company "Bejo Zaden". It is characterized by good resistance to shooting. Heads of cabbage are very dense, light green in color, barrel-s..
Cichory "Variegata Esposizione di Castelfranco"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
Cichory escarol "Variegata Esposizione di Castelfranco" - Cichorum endivia var. latifolium. Mid-late grade. Forms a large head of cabbage with large rounded "sprayed with paint" leaves and a short stem. In the cold, the leaves be..
Climbing Bean "Cosse Violette"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
Climbing Bean "Cosse Violette". Medium early bean variety. Height reaches 180-200 cm. The grown pods are 14-18 cm in size, purple in color. The seed is white, round in shape. This variety is especially suitable for canning and proces..
Climbing french bean "Bobis a Grano Nero" (110 g)
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
Climbing french bean "Bobis a Grano Nero". Early black seeded variety. 180-190 cm tall. Vigorous and good production with stringless, meaty pencil pod (12-13 cm). Ideal for freezing. 1,0 g = 3-4 seeds. ..
Climbing french bean "Supermarconi"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
Climbing french beans "Supermarconi". High yielding, medium late (75 days) variety of asparagus beans for stand cultivation. The bush is powerful, well leafy, curly (up to 3.0 m). The pods are green, flat, up to 20 cm, without fibers. Seed..
Climbing french bean "Lima" (100 g)
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
Climbing french bean "Lima" - Phaseolus bipunctatus. A high-yielding, early variety of french climbing beans . The bush is powerful, well-leafy, curly (up to 2.0 m). Pods are green, flat, 11-12 cm, without fibers, containing 4-5..
Coltivated rocket (indau)
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
2.50€ 1.50€
Salad Rocket (Indau) "Rucola coltivata" - Eruca sativa L. Early maturing variety, from germination to harvesting greenery 20-25 days. The height of the rosette is 15-20 cm. Arugula (rocket salad) is valued for its excellent nutty-mus..
Corn salad "d Olanda a Seme Grosso"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
Corn salad "d Olanda a Seme Grosso" - Valerianella locusta var. oleracea. The leaves of this salad have a delicate texture and aroma, exquisite sweetish-nutty flavoгur and light astringency. Contains more iron than other types of let..
Courgette "Baby Spaghetti" F1
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
Courgette "Baby Spaghetti" F1. An interesting variety of zucchini, the internal structure of the fruit of which is fibrous. In order to obtain the "spaghetti" effect, the courgettes are harvested after they turn yellow (approxim..
Courgette "Nero di Milano"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
2.74€ 1.64€
Courgette "Nero di Milano" (zucchini). An organic variety with very dark skin that looks almost black. Approximate number of seeds - 30 pcs. Zucchini is an early ripening culture. It is best to grow it through seedlings. Seeds are sown..
Creeping thyme (Wild thyme)
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
1.76€ 1.06€
Wild thyme (Breckland thyme) - Thymus serpyllum. Thyme is a perennial shrub, up to 30 cm high. Young shoots of thyme have a strong, pleasant aroma and a bitter, pungent taste and contain essential oils, mineral salts, tannins, and organic acids..
Crisphead lettuce "Iceking" ("Regina delle Ghiacciole") 21 gr
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
Crisphead lettuce "Regina delle Ghiacciole" (Iceking) - Lactuca sativa L. Medium- to late fertile "iceberg" type lettuce variety, which is grown in greenhouses and outdoors, it’s seedlings start to sprout when soil is ..
Crisphead lettuce "Regina d Estate 2"
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
Crisphead lettuce "Regina d Estate 2" - Lactuca sativa L. Medium- to late fertile "iceberg" type lettuce variety, which is grown in greenhouses and outdoors, it’s seedlings start to sprout when soil is +4˚C warm. ..
Showing 26 to 50 of 262 (11 Pages)