Zucchini squash "Nimba" - Cucurbita pepo L. var. giraumonas.
Кабачок-цуккини "Нимба".
Раннеспелый сорт (вступает в плодоношение на 39-43 день). Растение кустовой формы с 1-2 плетями первого порядка. Плоды выровненные, цил..
Zucchini "Paladin" F1.
Early maturing hybrid variety. The fruit is cylindrical, lemon yellow, glossy. The length of the fruit is about 20 cm. The pulp is tender and juicy.
Productivity: up to 40 fruits from one bush. Suitable for fresh co..
Garden cress - microgreens.
Easily grown popular source of vitamins, used fresh with a variety of fresh dishes. Aromatic leaves appear 3–4 days after sowing.
Seeds can be sown on paper tissue, into the soil substrate – it is important t..
Common corncockle - Agrostemma githago.
A highly branched plant, up to 50 cm tall. The flowers are pale lilac, up to 7 cm in diameter, with a lighter center. Abundant flowering continues from June to the end of August. The flowers open in the m..
Courgette Zucchini "Nefertiti".
A productive variety of Czech selection.
The plant is bushy, lush, with medium branching and cylindrical fruits. The leaves have a characteristic marble pattern.
Young fruits are green to dark green in col..