Brassica rapa L. var. rapa
Brand: Semo
Packaged:0,6 g
Ex Tax: 1.65€
Turnip "Purple Top Milan" - Brassica rapa L. var. rapa.
Early ripening variety (growing season 50-60 days). Root crops are round-flat, the skin is smooth. The pulp is white, juicy and sweet. The variety is fruitful and disease resistant.
Variety value: resistance to flowering, high yield and uniformity of root crops, suitability for long-term storage.
1,0 g = 500-700 seeds.

* Turnips grow best on loamy and sandy loamy fertile soils. The following are recommended as predecessors: cucumber, tomatoes, legumes.
Bad predecessors are plants of the cruciferous family.
The area for turnips has been prepared since the fall. For deep digging, add compost (3-4 kg/m2), superphosphate (30 g/m2), potassium sulfate (15-20 g/m2); in the spring, add ammonium nitrate (8-10 g/m2). It is not advisable to introduce manure.
Seeds are sown at the end of April (the soil is covered with film a month before sowing) in rows with row spacing of 15-20 cm to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. After germination, the plants are thinned to a distance of 10-15 cm.
For winter storage, seeds are sown in mid-July.
Care consists of loosening the soil, weeding, watering, thinning, pest and disease control.
Harvesting and storage.
Summer ripening turnips are harvested selectively. For winter storage, it is removed once before frost.
Store in boxes, sprinkled with sand, at a temperature of 0+1°C.

* External remedy for rheumatism.
In folk medicine, boiled turnip is a good external remedy for rheumatic pain and gout.
The turnips are ground to a puree and applied to the diseased areas.

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