Spinach Beet "Gele Sier" (Swiss Chard).
The crop is harvested 57-60 days after sowing. Leaves are slightly wrinkled, juicy, green with yellow veins.
The stems are yellow. Young leaves are suitable for salads and snacks. Gro..
Spinach Beet (mix): "Five Colours".
Подготовка семян мангольда к посеву.
Семена, проверенные на всхожесть, замачивают в одном из следующих питательных растворов:
— в 1 л тёплой воды (30°С) разводят 1/4 чайной ложки б..
Spinach beet "Blonde a carde Blanche 2" (Swiss chard).
Mid-early variety with erect large dark green leaves with a wide white petiole.
Ripens on the 55th day after transplanting. Undemanding to the soil, resistant to frost.
Harvesting ca..
Spinach Beet ''Bright Yellow'' F1 (Swiss Chard).
1,0 g = 50 seeds.
* Growing chard.
In warmer European countries, Swiss chard is considered a biennial plant, but in our cool climate, it is grown once a year. This is due to too co..
Swiss chard "White silver 2" (Mangold).
Mid-season variety (from germination to ripening 80-90 days). Beets are decorative and tasty, the leaves are eaten. The optimum temperature for germination is + 20 + 22 ° C. Seeds are sown in Apr..