Ecological seeds
Beets - choice
Large professional package
Fodder beets
Swiss Chard "Gele Sier" (Spinach Beet)
Spinach Beet "Gele Sier" (Swiss Chard). The crop is harvested 57-60 days after sowing. Leaves are slightly wrinkled, juicy, green with yellow veins. The stems are yellow. Young leaves are suitable for salads and snacks. Gro..
Eco seeds
Swiss chard (mix): "Five Colours"
Spinach Beet (mix): "Five Colours". Подготовка семян мангольда к посеву. Семена, проверенные на всхожесть, замачивают в одном из следующих питательных растворов: — в 1 л тёплой воды (30°С) разводят 1/4 чайной ложки б..
Swisschard "Blonde a carde Blanche 2" (spinach beet)
Spinach beet "Blonde a carde Blanche 2" (Swiss chard). Mid-early variety with erect large dark green leaves with a wide white petiole. Ripens on the 55th day after transplanting. Undemanding to the soil, resistant to frost. Harvesting ca..
Swisschard "Bright Yellow" F1
Spinach Beet ''Bright Yellow'' F1 (Swiss Chard). 1,0 g = 50 seeds. * Growing chard. In warmer European countries, Swiss chard is considered a biennial plant, but in our cool climate, it is grown once a year. This is due to too co..
Eco seeds
Swisschard "White silver 2" (Spinach Beet)
Swiss chard "White silver 2" (Mangold). Mid-season variety (from germination to ripening 80-90 days). Beets are decorative and tasty, the leaves are eaten. The optimum temperature for germination is + 20 + 22 ° C. Seeds are sown in Apr..
Showing 76 to 80 of 80 (4 Pages)