Salad cucumber "MARKYZA" F1 - SLICING TYPE.
Nonpartenocarpic varieties for Out and Indoor production. Predominantly female. Pollination is necessary.
Very early non-parthenocarpic slicing variety for open field and foil houses.
Salad cucumber "Marlen" F1.
Very early slicing cucumber with dark green uniform cylindrical fruits and perfect health and high yield.
Marlen is recommended also for real professional growth.
Perfect health and a high yield of very u..
Salad cucumber "Pindos" F1.
* Cucumber on a net.
By nature, a cucumber is a liane. He loves space and sun...
Usually, those who grow cucumbers create a special trellis from twine or wire, along which the cucumber vines curl. Others..
Hybrid variety of cucumber "Tessa" F1 for salad purposes, which is grown both in open and closed ground.
Early and very productive. Bee-pollinated. Grown vertically (on trellises). It doesn't taste bitter.
Semi-long: 19-24 cm.