
Weighted carrot seeds for farmers.
Carrot "Berlikumer 2"
Berlicumer 2 (Romosa) is a fruitful, late variety with an exceptional outer and inner root color. Root crops are of high quality, 16-19 cm long, strong, excellent taste. The pulp is juicy and very tasty. For this reas..
Carrot "Calibra" F1.
Very early hybrid (90 days). 18-23 cm. Nantes type.
Морковь "Калибра" F1.
Ранний гибрид (90 дней) Нантского сортотипа с длиной корнеплода 18-23 см.
Eng.: Carrot. Suom.: Porkkana. Sven.: Morot. Bot..
Carrot "Yarana" F1 - an early ripe and high-yielding hybrid of carrots "Nantes" variety, forming a powerful leaf rosette.
Root crops are leveled, very smooth, cylindrical in shape with excellent inner and outer color, 18-20 cm lo..
Stump-rooted carrot "Jolana" F1.
A Nantes type mid-early hybrid has short, extremely healthy tops. Tolerant to alternaria. Roots are attractive, uniform and smooth with excellent external and internal color.
Excellent hybrid for bunc..
Carrot "Karotina".
A variety of Nantes type which is suitable for immediate consumption, cooking and preserving, as well as short term storage. The length of the root is 18 - 20 cm. The flesh is sweet and has an intensive colour. Sowing ca..
Late carrot "Koloseum" F1 - Daucus carota L.
New late hybrid of Berlicum type. A high yielding carrot with big and smooth roots. Perfect colour inside and outside. Because of very firm leaf this variety is very easy for mechanic harv..
Carrot "Kraska".
Mid-early high-yielding carrot variety of the Czech breeding type "Berlikum".
Long conical roots with a bright orange colour that is resistant to cracking.
Suitable for all types of use: fresh, processing, as w..
Early variety. Root crops are round, bright orange colour, very tasty. Especially populär variety among gardeners, valued not only for its shape but also liigh carotene content of root crops. Suitable fo..
Carrot "Purple Haze" F1
Mid-early hybrid with original coloring of the root crop.
Eng.:Carrot. Suom.: Porkkana. Sven.: Morot.Bot.:Daucus carota L.
Carrot ''Rubina''.
A late fertile variety, suitable mainly for storage. It is resistant to cracking and fanout of the roots.
Eng.: Carrot. Suom.: Porkkana. Sven.: Morot. Bot.: Daucus carota L.
Carrot "Taborska Zluta".
Extremely high-yielding variety of late yellow "Flakee" type. Good disease coverage withstands unfavourable growing conditions well.
Suitable for both – the fresh market and salad-pack industry.
Nanto type hybrid. Grows best in easy, highly cultivated sandy and clay loam soils. A very fertile nanto type kind, it grows best in cultivated, humus, not soaked, light clay loam or sandy loam soils. A medium-..
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 (1 Pages)