Velvet flower "Crimson cascade" (Love-lies-bleeding, foxtail amaranth)
Love-lies-bleeding "Crimson cascade" - Amaranthus caudatus f. viridis. A spectacular giant for garden and bouquet decoration. An annual herbaceous plant with a powerful erect stem, up to 100 cm high. The inflorescences are cherry-re..
Vervain "Mammouth" (mix)
Vervain "Mammouth" - Verbena x hybrida. Fragrant flowers until the first snow! An ideal mixture with large caps of inflorescences of bright colors. Plant 45-50 cm high, cultivated as an annual. Blooms from July to September. The flowers ..
Vervain "Quartz Burgundy" F1
Hybrid vervain "Quartz Burgundy" F1. Annual. Height 20-25 cm. Diameter 5-7 cm. Hybrid vervain is an excellent annual for group plantings in flowerbeds, borders, growing in containers and balcony boxes. Compact plants with branching stems,..
Vervain "Quartz Red" F1
Hybrid vervain "Quartz Red" F1. Annual plant. Height 25-35 cm. Diameter of inflorescences 5-7 cm. Verbena hybrid is an excellent annual for group planting in flower beds, ridges, borders, growing in containers and balcony boxes. Compact p..
Vervain "Red-white"
Vervain "Red-white" - Verbena x hybrida. The plant is 25-40 cm high, cultivated as an annual (Verbenovye family). Blooms from July to September. The flowers are red with an eye, collected in inflorescences with a diameter of 7-8 ..
Vervain (ampelous mix)
Vervain (mix) - Verbena hybrida pendula. A plant with shoots 50-60 cm long, cultivated as an ampelous annual. Blooms from July to October. The flowers are red with an eye, collected in inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter and have a pleasant..
Vervain (mix)
Hybrid vervain (colour mix) - Verbena hybrida. Perfectly matched mixture with large caps of brightly colored inflorescences. Plants are bushy, compact, very leveled, 20-40 cm high. Flowers are collected in inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter, ha..
Vervain ampelous (mix)
Verbena ampelous (colour mixture) - Verbena x hybrida pendula. An annual plant with numerous dangling shoots that show shades of pink, red, cherry purple and white from June to October. Sow seeds in March in boxes. At a temperature of +25°..
Virginia stock "Spring Sparkle" (mix)
Virginia stock "Spring Sparkle" (mix of colours). Amazing scent all summer long! Cold-resistant and drought-resistant annual. Small delicate flowers on compact plants 15 to 30 cm high. A mix of colours: pink, purple and white. Resee..
Wandflower "Album" (Angels Fishing Rod, Fairy Wand)
Angels Fishing Rod "Album" (Wandflower) - Dierama pulcherrimum. Solitaire plants. Flowers for cutting. Flowering period: August-October. Winter hardiness zone: Z7-Z10. Plant height: 150 cm. Angels Fishing Rod, Fairy Wand, W..
Wandflower "Dark Cerise" (Fairy Wand, Angels Fishing Rod)
Angels Fishing Rod "Dark Cerise" - Dierama pulcherrimum. Solitaire plants. Flowers or seedcapsules for cutting. Flowering period: August-Oktober. Winter hardiness zone: Z 7-10. Height: 50-60 cm. Dark purple. 1,0 g = 70 ..
White Lace Flower
White Lace Flower - Orlaya grandiflora. Family: Apiaceae. Origin: Europe, from Africa to Central Asia (meadows, fields). Suitable for natural landscape design. Attractive to butterflies and other pollinators. Long flowering. Easy to grow. Natural..
Yellow clump daisy "Zlatovlaska"
Yellow clump daisy "Zlatovlaska". Хризантема многостебельная "Златовласка" - Chrysanthemum multicaule. Идеальное растение для подвесных корзин. Однолетник. Компактный куст с многочисленными прямостоячими стеблями высотой 15-2..
Common corncockle - Agrostemma githago. A highly branched plant, up to 50 cm tall. The flowers are pale lilac, up to 7 cm in diameter, with a lighter center. Abundant flowering continues from June to the end of August. The flowers open in the m..
Сornflower "Pink Ball"
Сornflower double "Pink Ball" - Centaurea segetum. Cutting variety with bright, elegant inflorescences for exquisite bouquets. The plant is slender, branched, with numerous peduncles, up to 80 cm high. Inflorescences are single baskets, b..
Сosmea "Dutch Rose" (garden cosmos)
Double flowering cosmos "Dutch Rose". Amazingly bright, double inflorescences. An ornamental plant with openwork strongly dissected leaves, 60-80 cm high, flower diameter up to 10 cm. Double and semi-double flowers are collected in inflor..
Сosmos "Double Click" (mix)
Garden cosmos "Double Click" (mixed) - Cosmos bipinnatus. An amazing mixture of bright terry inflorescences! This beautiful cottage garden favourite has just got even better. Delightful double blooms in a full range of pinks sha..
Сosmos "Rubenza"
Сosmos "Rubenza" - Cosmos bippinatus. Herbaceous photophilous, cold-resistant annual plant 80-120 cm tall. Inflorescences are large, 7-10 cm in diameter, rich garnet-red color with a bright yellow core. Against the background of their own ..
Showing 301 to 318 of 318 (13 Pages)