
Balkan yarrow - Achillea clypeolata.
Family: Compositae.
Origin: Balkans.
Special Features: a shorter version of Achillea filipendulina.
History: used in hybrid crosses with the taller Achillea filipendulina.
Colour: flat heads ..
Milfoil (Common yarrow) "Summer pastels" (mix) - Achillea millefolium.
Express perennial: miracle cut and dried flower in the first year!
Blooms in the first year 17 weeks after sowing.
Grams per 1000 seeds: 0,2.
Seed Requirement: ..
Fern-leaf yarrow "Cloth of Gold" - Achillea filipendulina L.
An ornamental garden plant 110-120 cm high. The flowers are double, collected in loose corymbose inflorescences, up to 13 cm in diameter, yellow.
Propagated by sowing ..
Fern-leaf yarrow "Cloth of Gold" - Achillea filipendulina L.
Decorative garden plant 110-120 cm is high. Terry flowers, collected in loose corymbose inflorescences, up to 13 cm in diameter, yellow.
Propagated by sowing seeds, di..
Yarrow "Pastel" F2 - Achilea millefolium.
Drought-resistant perennial.
The popularity of yarrow is constantly growing every year, and today it appears before us in a completely new form of a flower cloud.
Dressed in his ma..
Siberian yarrow "Love Parade" - Achillea sibirica ssp. camtschatica.
Origin: Kamtschatka peninsula in Eastern Russia.
Special Features: outstanding combination of foliage and flowers.
Colour: clusters of soft pink blossoms with yellow st..
Creeping yellow yarrow - Achillea tomentosa.
Originates from South-Eastern Europe and Western Siberia.
Together with the inflorescences it reaches a height of 15-20 cm. It forms beautiful carpets of green pinnate evergreen leaves.
Soldiers woundwort "Thousand seal" (colour mix) - Achillea millefolium.
The plant is perennial. Stems erect, 40-60 cm tall, form a loose bush. The leaves are arranged in the next order, twice or thrice pinnately dissected with numerou..
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