Tennessee purple coneflower "Rocky Top Hybrids"
Tennessee purple coneflower "Rocky Top Hybrids" - Echinacea tennesseensis. Long-flowering perennial from the Asteraceae family. Origin: Southeastern United States. Well adapted to the soil and climatic conditions. Flower colou..
Threadleaf giant hyssop "Apache Sunset" (Rock Anise Hyssop)
Sunset Hyssop "Apache Sunset" - Agastache rupestris. Subtle, exotic aroma! It occurs naturally from southeastern New Mexico to south-central Arizona. Upright perennial 45-90 cm tall and 45 cm bush diameter. The leaves are linear-lan..
Three-leaved Coneflower "Blackjack Gold" (Browneyed Susan, Thin-leaved Coneflower)
Brown-eyed Susan "Blackjack Gold" (Browneyed Susan, Three-leaved coneflower) - Rudbeckia triloba Magnificent, lush flowering plants. Biennial plant from the Asteraceae family. Homeland: Central North America (prairies). T..
Three-leaved Coneflower "Prairie Glow" (Thin-leaved Coneflower)
Brown-eyed Susan "Prairie Glow" - Rudbeckia triloba A biennial plant from the Asteraceae family. Gorgeous, flowering plants. The nature of growth is straight, bushy, unstable. The inflorescences sit rather densely on branched peduncles. ..
Thurber's Cinquefoil "Monarch's Velvet"
Thurber's cinquefoil "Monarch's Velvet" - Potentilla thurberi. Luxurious perennial plant with a magnificent flowering that will be remembered forever: large neat flowers have a wine-red hue and a rich dark colour in the middle..
Troad Lily (Toad Lily)
Toad Lily (Troad Lily) - Tricyrtis latifolia. Perennial from the Convallariaceae family. Flower color: golden yellow with brown spots. Flowering plant height: 50 cm. Natural flowering period: June - July. Winter hardiness zones: Z4 - Z8.&nb..
True lavender "Pink Perfume"
English lavender "Pink Perfume" (True lavender). Perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. Height of flowering plant: 35 cm. Flower colour: light pink. Natural flowering period: June - September. Winter hardiness zones: Z5 - Z9. Soil r..
Trumpet Gentian
Trumpet Gentian - Gentiana dinarica. For the rockgarden. V-VI, Z5-8, 10 cm. Dark blue. Trumpet Gentian. Gentiana dinarica, Ciminalis dinarica (Beck) Holub. ..
Tuberous Jerusalem sage "Bronze Flamingo"
Tuberous Jerusalem sage "Bronze Flamingo" - Phlomis tuberosa. Hardy perennial from Lamiaceae family. Height: 100 cm. Flower colour: violet. Natural flowering season: Juni-Juli. Winter hardiness zone: Z5-Z9. Height with Flowers: 100 cm..
Turkish Pelargonium
Turkish Pelargonium - Pelargonium endlicherianum. Perennial from the family: Geraniaceae. Flowering plant height: 15 cm. Natural flowering period: June - August. Winter hardiness zones: Z7 – Z9.Shelter for the winter is necessary. Soi..
Twisted-Leaf Garlic (Russian Garlic)
Russian Garlic (Twisted-Leaf Garlic) - Allium obliquum L. Perennial, mid-early (30-35 days from the beginning of regrowth to technical suitability) type of onion. The leaves are dark green without wax coating, wide, flat, pointed at the e..
Tworow stonecrop "Voodoo"
Tworow stonecrop "Voodoo" - Sedum spurium. Plant with decorative leaves and flowers for rock garden. Flowering plant height: 5 cm. Neon pink flowers, dark red foliage, round habit, variable. Flowering period: VII-IX. Winter hardiness z..
Upright virgin's bower (Flammula jovis)
Flammula jovis (Upright virgin's bower) - Clematis mandschurica. Homeland: south of the Far East, Northeast China. Herbaceous perennial vine from the Ranunculaceae family. Flower colour: white. The flowers are open, up to 2 cm ..
Violet Prairie Aster (Fall Aster, Turbinate Aster, Mauve-flowered starwort)
Fall Aster (Violet Prairie Aster, Mauve-flowered starwort) - Aster turbinellus. A profusely flowering perennial from the Asteraceae family. Origin: East Central USA. Flower colour: purple-blue. Flowering plant height: 120 cm. Natu..
Viper's bugloss
Viper's bugloss - Echium russicum. Family: Boraginaceae. Origin: Europe and Western Asia. Color: dark red flowering panicles, similar to thick pipe brushes. Natural flowering period: June - August. Winter hardiness: Z6. Growth type: vertica..
Virginia knotweed "Variegatum" (Jumpseed)
Jumpseed "Variegatum" (Virginia knotweed) - Polygonum filiforme. Unusual and stunningly beautiful perennial. The colourful foliage is the main reason this species is grown. The greenish-white flowers appear in late summer and are of ..
Wall Germander (wood sage)
Wood Sage (wall germander) - Teucrium chamaedrys. Perennial of the Lamiaceae family. Native to: Central Europe (dry meadows, alpine steppes, rock crevices, calcareous, nutrient-poor meadows). Height of flowering plant: 25-30 cm. Flower color: pin..
Wandflower "Album" (Angels Fishing Rod, Fairy Wand)
Angels Fishing Rod "Album" (Wandflower) - Dierama pulcherrimum. Solitaire plants. Flowers for cutting. Flowering period: August-October. Winter hardiness zone: Z7-Z10. Plant height: 150 cm. Angels Fishing Rod, Fairy Wand, W..
Wandflower "Dark Cerise" (Fairy Wand, Angels Fishing Rod)
Angels Fishing Rod "Dark Cerise" - Dierama pulcherrimum. Solitaire plants. Flowers or seedcapsules for cutting. Flowering period: August-Oktober. Winter hardiness zone: Z 7-10. Height: 50-60 cm. Dark purple. 1,0 g = 70 ..
Watson's Penstemon (Beardtongue)
Watson`s Beard Tongue - Penstemon watsonii. For the rockgarden. Natural flowering period: Juni-August. Winter hardiness zones: Z3-Z9. Height: 40 cm. Colour: dark blue. Lanceolate foliage ..
Wavyleaf Purple Coneflower
Wavyleaf Purple Coneflower (Glade or Prairie coneflower) - Echinacea simulata. A perennial from the family Asteraceae with drooping petals similar to those of Echinacea pallida, but with lighter colored inflorescences and yellowish pollen...
Welsh stonecrop "Silver Stone"
Rock Stonecrop "Silver Stone" - Sedum forsterianum ssp. elegans. Perennial. A vigorous sedum with dense, attractive rosettes of blue-green, flattened leaves, sometimes tinged pinkish-purple. Charming scutes of star-yellow flowers. F..
Western coneflower "Green Wizard" (black beauty coneflower)
Western coneflower "Green Wizard" - Rudbeckia occidentalis. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. It has a very original flower shape: a dark convex center is surrounded by green petals. The inflorescence is devoid of reed flowers and lo..
Western mugwort (white sagebrush)
Western mugwort (white sagebrush) - Artemisia ludoviciana. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. Origin: Western USA, Mexico. Flower colour: yellowish. Foliage: grey, fragrant. Natural flowering period: July - August. Winter hardiness zones: Z4..
White Anis Hyssop (Alabaster, liquorice white, snow spike)
Liquorice White (White Anis Hyssop, Alabaster, Snow Spike) - Agastache rugosa f. albiflora. A long flowering season, spectacular inflorescences, fragrant foliage and unpretentiousness in growing conditions have made him very popular a..
Showing 351 to 375 of 411 (17 Pages)