Aster dwarf "Pepite"
Low-growing china aster "Pepite". An unusual low-growing mixture, very good in a wide variety of flower beds. The plant is compact, about 35 cm high, with a large number of side shoots. Inflorescences are white, purple and red. Blooms pr..
Aster dwarf "Pink"
Dwarf aster "Pink". A wonderful low-growing variety for borders. The plant is compact, 20-30 cm high. Blooms profusely from July until frost. Used in prefabricated flower beds, on ridges, for borders and mini-bouquets. Agrotechnic..
Aster dwarf "Red"
Dwarf aster "Red". A wonderful low-growing variety for borders. The plant is compact, 20-30 cm high. Blooms profusely from July until frost. Used in prefabricated flower beds, on ridges, for borders and mini-bouquets. Agrotechnics. The..
Aster dwarf "White"
Dwarf aster "White". A wonderful low-growing variety for borders. The plant is compact, 20-30 cm high. Blooms profusely from July until frost. Used in prefabricated flower beds, on ridges, for borders and mini-bouquets. Agrotechnics. ..
Aster needle "Yellow"
Needle china aster "Yellow". The mesmerizing beauty of the aster flowers that unfolds is an incomparable pleasure! Dressed in her gorgeous summer outfit, she creates a festive atmosphere. Flowers in a bouquet will demonstrate their ..
Aster Paeon "Opalfire"
Aster Paeon "Opalfire". A rich bouquet of chic color. The plant is 60-70 cm high. The bush is columnar, up to 30 cm in diameter. On the plant there are 9-15 dark crimson-pink inflorescences with a diameter of 7-8 cm. Blooms from August t..
Avens "Kuklik"
Avens "Kuklik" - Geum chiloense. Bright blooming perennial. Plant height 60 cm Flower diameter 4 cm Rhizome herbaceous perennial from the Rosaceae family. Forms lush bushes 50-60 cm high, with a basal rosette of ornamental, pubescent..
Bedding lobelia "Rosamond"
Bedding lobelia "Rosamond" - Lobelia erinus. Compact, lush bushes of this variety are completely covered with dark pink flowers. It is valued for its abundant and long flowering throughout the summer until the onset of night frosts. ..
Beetroot "Bona"
Red beet "Bona". High-yielding mid-season variety. The period from germination to harvest is 115-120 days. The root crop is rounded, large, leveled, smooth, dark red. The flesh of the root crop is colored evenly (without rings). The taste ..
Beetroot "D Egypte" (20 g)
Beetroot "Flat Egyptian". Early ripening variety: the period from germination to technical ripeness is 94-120 days. Drought tolerant. Root crops are flattened, flat-rounded with a small head. The pulp is dark red with a purple tint, juicy..
Beetroot "Flat Egyptian" (100 g)
Beetroot "Flat Egyptian". Early ripening variety: the period from germination to technical ripeness is 94-120 days. Drought tolerant. Root crops are flattened, flat-rounded with a small head. The pulp is dark red with a purple tint, juicy..
Beetroot "Flat Egyptian" (Egitto Migliorata) (500 g)
Beetroot "Egitto Migliorata" (Flat Egyptian). Early ripening variety: the period from germination to technical ripeness is 94-120 days. Drought tolerant. Root crops are flattened, flat-rounded with a small head. The pulp is dark red with ..
Beetroot "Regulski Cylinder"
Beetroot "Regulski Cylinder". Easy harvesting! Saves crop area! Keeps for a very long time! Medium-late variety: the period from germination to harvesting of root crops is 115-125 days. Forms root crops that have a cylindrical shape and l..
Bitter candytuft
Rocket candytuft - Iberis amara. Fragrant and unpretentious annual. Densely branched and flowering variety with fragrant inflorescences. Excellent honey plant. Growing rapidly. Unpretentious, cold-resistant. An annual plant, completely unpretentio..
Black eyed peas (Chinese Long Bean)
Chinese Long Bean (Blackeyed peas). A high-yielding variety for growing with supports in open ground and film greenhouses. The plant is powerful, climbing, up to 3 m high. Beans 30-100 cm long: green, narrow, straight, without a parchment layer..
Black salsify "Duplex"
Black Salsify "Duplex" - Scorzonera hispanica. A perennial, dietary vegetable. Grows well in sandy loam or light loam, humous soil. Can endure a winter if left in the soil. The crop is harvested in late autumn or in early spring. Roo..
Black-eyed susan vine "July mosaic" (mix)
Black-eyed susan "July mosaic" (mix of colours) - Thunbergia alata. A herbaceous liana plant (reaching up to 2.0-2.5 m in height) with large, showy flowers of rich yellow-orange tones, decorated with a black "eye" in the center, ..
Blueweed - Echium vulgare. A perennial plant grown as an annual plant in Estonian conditions. Branching stems with oblong-lanceolate leaves. The flowers are fragrant, bell-shaped, located at the ends of the shoots, a diverse palette: pink, pur..
Bonfire sage "Violet"
Bonfire sage "Violet". A beautiful compact annual plant up to 30 cm tall, having an inflorescence-raceme of violet-lilac color. Salvia will decorate any carpet and flower bed, container. Plants are thermophilic, photophilous and hygr..
Common borage - Borago officinalis L. Annual, herbaceous, cold-resistant plant with a pleasant scent of fresh cucumber. Young shoots, leaves and flowers contain a large amount of vitamins and other nutrients. They are used fresh as early..
Bottle gourd "Marenka"
BIRDHOUSE GOURD (Calabash, Kalebass).  The bottle gourd is also called birdhouse gourd, trumpet gourd, calabash gourd, and white-flowered gourd.  The name "bottle gourd" is especially appropriate, because this plant species is o..
Bracted strawflower "Yellow" (golden everlasting, paper-flower)
Paper-flower "Yellow" (Bracted strawflower). Bracted strawflower is indispensable for winter bouquets. Magnificent dried flower. Glossy shiny large flowers. A slightly spreading bush reaches a height of 100 cm. Each plant has about 2..
Broad bean "Jankiel Bialy" (500,0 g)
Broad beans "Jankiel Bialy" - Vicia faba L. (partim). An excellent dietary product for diseases of the kidneys, liver and intestines. Medium early (from germination to technical ripeness 75-90 days) variety, to consumer ripeness..
Broad bean "Karmazyn"
FIELD BEAN "KARMAZYN" - Vicia faba L. var. major Harz. Medium early, fertile bean variety. Vegetation period is 80-90 days. Plants are tall (80-100 cm). Seed pods are large, with 3-5 slightly brownish beans, mature at the s..
Broad bean "Karmazyn" (500,0 g)
FIELD BEAN "KARMAZYN" - Vicia faba L. var. major Harz. Medium early, fertile bean variety. Vegetation period is 80-90 days. Plants are tall (80-100 cm). Seed pods are large, with 3-5 slightly brownish beans, mature at the s..
Showing 26 to 50 of 387 (16 Pages)