Cucumber "Aprelsky" F1
Cucumber "April" F1. Retains its presentation for a long time! Early (40-45 days) parthenocarpic hybrid, predominantly female flowering type. Good yield in the first month of fruiting - up to 7-13 kg/m2. For protected ground. The plant i..
Cucumber "Jaguar" F1
Gherkin "Jaguar" F1. Early maturing parthenocarpic hybrid for open ground and greenhouses. From germination to fruiting 40-45 days. Forms plants of exclusively female flowering type. Due to the bunch setting of ovaries in nodes, it has a ..
Cucumber "Nezhinsky"
Gherkin "Nezhinsky". A very popular variety for salting! Mid-season, long-climbing, bee-pollinated variety for open ground and temporary film shelters (fruits on the 50-55th day from germination). The fruit is dense, large-tubercular wit..
Cucumber "Vjaznikovsky 37"
Gherkin "Vyaznikovsky 37". An early-ripening, bee-pollinated, productive variety for open ground. From emergence to the start of fruiting 40-45 days. The plants are short-climbing: the length of the lashes is 100-160 cm. The fruits are el..
Cucumber "Vnuchenka" F1
Cucumber "Granddaughter" F1. A very early parthenocarpic (self-pollinating) hybrid for open and protected ground. Distinctive properties: extended fruiting period, super-yielding, high marketability of fruits. The flesh are strong, crisp..
Cucumber "Zozulya" F1
Cucumber "Zozulya" F1. An enduring classic and the joy of our mothers and grandmothers-gardeners! The best choice for early harvest. Fruits without bitterness. You can also grow it on a windowsill! One of the favorite hybrids for growing..
Decorative strawberry "Tarpan" F1
Decorative strawberry "Tarpan" F1. CHAMPION among the BEST. An amazing new product for the upcoming season will be a hanging hybrid of garden strawberries. Its worthy decoration was the cascading shoots, decorated with many unusual deep p..
Eggplant "Almaz"
Eggplant "Diamond". Fruits without bitterness! Mid-season variety: from germination to fruit ripening 110-140 days. The plant is compact, 45-60 cm high. The fruit is cylindrical, 14.4-17.5 cm long, weighing 100-170 g. The color at techni..
Eggplant "Gribnoy vkus"
Eggplant "Mushroom taste". A productive variety with a high fruit set: up to 8 fruits per bush! According to the ripening period, it is assessed as mid-season: from germination to the first harvest, 120-140 days. The plants are semi-spre..
Eggplant "Polosaty reis"
Aubergine ''Striped Travel''. Bright and fruitful. Mid-season variety for open ground and temporary film shelters: from germination to technical ripeness 120-140 days. Plants are tall, semi-spreading. The fruits weigh 190-200 ..
Eggplant "Voronoy"
Eggplant "Voronoy". Early ripening variety with large fruits. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 110-114 days. The bush is compact, 60-70 cm high. The fruits are pear-shaped, weighing 250-400 g. The color at technical r..
Elecampane "Devjat Sil" (Horse-heal)
Elecampane "Nine Forces" - Inula helenium. Perennial medicinal and ornamental plant. Forms bushes up to 2.5 m high with many inflorescences-baskets 7-8 cm in diameter. The plants are winter-hardy, drought-resistant, grow slowly, and ..
Fennel "Bronzovy"
Annual fennel "Bronze" - Foeniculum vulgare subsp. vulgare. An interesting variety of fennel, which is often called bronze dill due to the unusual colour of its fluffy leaves. This spicy, aromatic, medicinal plant serves as an excelle..
Garden sorrel "Obilnolistny"
Garden sorrel “Abundantly leafed”. Mid-early variety of winter-hardy perennial. From germination to the first cutting 40-45 days. In the second year of development, from spring regrowth to cutting takes 15-20 days. Forms compact, w..
Garden sorrel "Shirokolistny"
Garden sorrel “Broadleaf”. An undemanding perennial, grows well on non-drying soils. It can be grown in slightly shaded areas. Sow directly onto the plot in rows every 25-30 cm. Harvesting can begin when the plant has 5 leaves; they are ..
Gherkin "Izjaschtny" (Graceful)
Cucumber "Graceful". Early ripening: begins to bear fruit 40-45 days after germination. The fruits are ellipsoidal, finely tuberculate, 9-12 cm long, weighing 90-110 g. They do not turn yellow. The taste is very good. Productivity: 5-7 k..
Gherkin "Krokodil Gena" F1
Cucumber "Crocodile Gena" F1. Ultra-early parthenocarpic hybrid for film greenhouses. The first fruits are harvested 36-42 days after germination. The plant simultaneously bears 20-30 fruits (4-8 ovaries are formed in each node). Fruits ..
Gherkin "Kustovoy"
Cucumber "Bushy". Saves space and time! Early ripening (42-45 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), bee-pollinated variety for open ground with a female type of flowering. It is distinguished by friendly fruiting. The plan..
Gherkin "Nastja" F1
Cucumber "Nastja" F1. A very early parthenocarpic hybrid of universal soil, self-pollinating, characterized by a long fruiting period. The hybrid is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, olive spot, powdery mildew, and tolerant to downy mild..
Gherkin "Vnuchok" F1
Gherkin "Vnuchok" F1. Crispy, tasty, without bitterness. Early maturing, self-pollinating hybrid of the female flowering type. Branching is average or above average. Fruits are gherkin-type, finely tuberculate, white-spined, bright or da..
Gherkin "Konkurent" (Competitor)
Cucumber "Competitor" (Konkurent). Excellent fresh or canned! Early ripening bee-pollinated variety: from germination to fruiting 38–50 days. The plant is long-climbing. The fruits are black-thorned, large-tubercular, 10–14 cm..
Hairy ground-cherry "Dachny buket"
Physalis “Country bouquet” (Gooseberry). A tasty and productive variety of strawberry physalis. The first berries begin to be picked within three months after germination. The plants are branched, about a meter high, becoming very ..
Hibernal onion "Black Prince"
Hibernal onion "Black Prince". Mid-season semi-sharp small-nested variety, due to excellent ripening, allows to obtain a harvest of excellent quality onions in an annual crop, even in the northern regions. The period from full shoots to ha..
Hibernal onion "Strigunovsky Mestny"
Hibernal onion "Strigunovsky Mestny". Early maturing (78-90 days from germination to mass lodging and yellowing of leaves) variety. Recommended for growing in a biennial crop from seeds. But it is also suitable for obtaining commerci..
Hyssop "White"
White hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis. Perennial subshrub, 40-70 cm high, with erect branched shoots. The variety is grown in seedlings and without seedlings. Planting pattern 40x60 cm.  Compact plant. The shoots below are woody; the first ..
Showing 26 to 50 of 210 (9 Pages)