Eggplant "Violetta di Firenze"
Eggplant "Violetta di Firenze". Eggplant for gourmets: beautiful, large, tasty! Traditional Italian variety of medium ripening period. Plant height 40-50 cm. The fruits are fantastically beautiful: round-oval, glossy, lilac with a pink t..
Elegant zinnia "Oranzhevy Korol"
Zinnia dahlia flowered "Orange King" - Zinnia elegans dahliaflowered. A magnificent annual plant. The plant is powerful, branched from the base, up to 90 cm high. Dense hemispherical inflorescences, 10-12 cm in diameter, orange in color. ..
Elegant zinnia "Peppermint Stick" (mix)
Elegant zinnia "Peppermint Sticks" mix. An elegant and drought tolerant annual! Fast growing summer plant 70-90 cm high. Inflorescence diameter 12-16 cm. Ideal for flower beds and bouquets. Unpretentious care. Likes a sunny place with fe..
False Baby Stars "French mix"
False Baby Stars "French mix". An unusual, very beautiful ground cover plant with needle-like leaves and an abundance of small flowers of various colors on the thinnest peduncles. It grows rapidly, forming real thickets. Photophilous, grow..
Feathered Pink (mix)
Cottage Pink (aromatic mix) - Dianthus plumarius. Charming fragrant flowers. A plant about 35 cm high, forming a dense cushion of a large number of rooting shoots. The flowers are semi-double, with fringed petals cut along the edge, with ..
Feverfem ''Maruna'' (Bachelors buttons)
Bachelors buttons ''Maruna'' (feverfem, maiden chrysanthemum) - Tanacetum parthenium. The most decorative, with unusual inflorescences, pompoms. Bushy plant up to 25 cm high. White inflorescences - baskets, up to..
Firewheel (double mix)
Terry Indian Blanket (mixture of colors) - Gaillardia pulchella flora pleno. A very attractive blend of terry Gaillardia: fluffy pom-poms woven from tiny stars. An annual plant 35-50 cm high, the stem and leaves of which are covered with soft ..
Flax (sprouting seeds)
FLAX - SEEDS FOR GERMINATION (microgreens). Sprouts (sprouted seeds) are a very valuable and healthy food product. In germinated seeds, several times more vital substances are formed than in a grown plant. Sprouted flax seeds contain a lot of vitami..
Flax (sprouting seeds) (100 g)
FLAX - SEEDS FOR GERMINATION (microgreens). Sprouts (sprouted seeds) are a very valuable and healthy food product. In germinated seeds, several times more vital substances are formed than in a grown plant. Sprouted flax seeds contain a lot of vitami..
Fleabane "Blue Shades"
Fleabane "Blue Shades" - Erigeron speciosus. Colour: light violet with yellow centre. Height: 70 cm. Inflorescences - baskets with a diameter of 3-5 cm. Location: sun. Soil: light & nutritious, not too moist. Flowering time: ..
French bean "Sonesta"
DWARF FRENCH BEAN "SONESTA". Early, yielding french bean variety: vegetation period 70-80 days. Bush 35-45 cm high. Pods are 11-13 cm long, round, 1 cm diameter, yellow colour. Pods without parchment layer are used for food. Sui..
French marigold "Petite Yellow"
French marigold "Petite Yellow" - Tagetes patula nana flore pleno. An elegant series of low marigolds for decorating borders, flowerpots, and balcony boxes. Forms a branched bush 20 cm high. Inflorescences 4-5 cm in diameter, yellow...
French marigold double "Petite Gold"
French marigold double "Petite Gold" - Tagetes patula nana double fl. pleno. An abundance of terry inflorescences of sunny colour! The bush is compact, 20-25 cm high, densely branched. Inflorescences are carnation-shaped, double, 3.5..
French Marigold Double "Tangerine"
Double French Marigold "Tangerine" - Tagetes patula nana fl. pleno. Velvet inflorescences of amazing beauty... The bush is compact, densely leafy, 20-25 cm high. The inflorescences are chrysanthemum-shaped, 4-5 cm in diameter. T..
Garden Angelica (masterwort,  wild parsnip)
Masterwort (garden angelica, root of the holy ghost, wild celery, wild parsnip) - Angelica archangelica L. = Archangelica officinalis Hoffm. Family: Umbelliferae. Origin: Greenland, Northern and Eastern Europe to Central Asia. Special Feature..
Garden arabis "White Carpet"
Snow-in-summer (white rock cress) - Arabis caucasica. Unpretentious, frost-resistant perennial. Exquisite garden decoration. Plant height 15-20 cm. Inflorescence diameter 1.5 cm. A light-loving ground cover plant of the Cabbage family wi..
Garden cress (500 g)
Garden cress - Lepidium sativum L. Champion in early maturity! An annual herb of the cabbage family, 10-30 cm high. This is the earliest ripening leafy vegetable crop: 12-20 days after sowing, it is ready for use. The plant is cold-resistant..
Garden Leek "Bartek"
European Leek "Bartek" (Garden leek). Лук-порей "Бартек" - Allium porrum L. Позднеспелый (от всходов до уборки урожая 180-200 дней) сорт. Растение высотой 30-40 см с сильно раскидистыми, зелёными, с восковым налётом л..
Garden leek "Juhas"
European leek "Juhas".   ..
Garden leek "Tango"
European Leek "Tango". An excellent high-yielding mid-season variety (the period from full germination to harvesting is 180-200 days). The plant is tall with dark green leaves, the bleached part of the stem is 22-26 cm. It has excellent ta..
Garden leek "Titus" (for autumn harvest)
European leek "Titus". A high yielding variety intended for autumn harvesting. The leaves are long, dark blue-green and erect. Direct sowing from March until April, for seedlings from the second half of February. Plant out from mid-A..
Garden pancy "Swiss Red"
Red viola with a dark center from the "Swiss Giants" variety series. The most recognized variety! Perennial, grown as a biennial, highly branched, 15-25 cm high. Flowers are single, large (6-10 cm), of a wide variety of colours. Gro..
Garden Pansy "Rokoko" (mix)
Garden Pansy "Rokoko" (mix) - Viola x wittrockiana. Charming "ruffles" on wavy-corrugated petals! The plant is up to 20 cm high. Flowers 5-6 cm in diameter of various colors. With the help of folded-corrugated petals,..
Gardencress (seeds for germination) (100 g)
Gardencress (Lepidium sativum) is one of the most nutritious seedlings you can grow. Cress is high in vitamins A, C and K, as well as many minerals. You'd be surprised that watercress has even more vitamin C than oranges. Just 30 grams of cress ..
Garland Flower "White"
White Elegant Clarkia (garland flower) - Clarkia unguiculata. Great flowers for large groups. An annual herbaceous plant with branched thin stems, 50-70 cm high. The leaves are oval, bluish-green, with red veins. The flowers are white, locate..
Showing 151 to 175 of 387 (16 Pages)