Grass lily (garden star-of-Bethlehem, nap-at-noon, eleven-o'clock lady)
Garden star-of-Bethlehem (grass lily, nap-at-noon, eleven-o'clock lady) - Ornithogalum umbellatum. Perennial from the Hyacinthaceae family. Flower colour: white. Natural flowering period: April - May. Flowering plant height: 15 cm. Soil..
 Hare's Ear "Bronze beauty"
Hare's Ear "Bronze beauty" - Bupleurum longifolium. Perennial from the Apiaceae family. Natural distribution areas: deciduous forests, rocky areas from Europe to Siberia. Flowering plant height: 50 cm. Flower color: yellow, tur..
 Lesser calamint "Blue Cloud Strain" (Nepitella)
Lesser calamint "Blue Cloud Strain" (Nepitella) - Calamintha nepeta. Groundcover perennial from the Lamiaceae family. Origin: alpine steppes and rocky meadows from Southern Europe to Iran. A very valuable plant with a long flowering peri..
 Lesser calamint "White Cloud Strain" (Nepitella)
Lesser calamint "White Cloud Strain" (Nepitella) - Calamintha nepeta. Blooms in the year of sowing. A perennial spicy-aromatic plant related to mint. Homeland: alpine steppes and rocky meadows from Southern Europe to Iran. A long-f..
 Moon Carrot
Moon Carrot - Seseli gummiferum. Perennial from the Umbelliferae family with a compact rosette of thinly dissected, bluish-gray, evergreen leaves. Flower colour: white, cream. Flowering plant height: 80 cm. Natural flowering period: July - S..
 Sticky Catchfly "Red Ball"
Sticky сatchfly "Red Ball" - Lychnis viscaria ssp. atropurpurea. An unpretentious perennial from the Caryophyllaceae family, 30 cm high. The delicate petals of the star-shaped flowers, slightly wavy at the edges, will not stop s..
 True monkshood "Blue" (Aconit, Venus' chariot, Turk's-cap, soldier's-cap)
Venus' chariot (Turk's-cap, soldier's-cap, garden wolfsbane, helmet-flower) - Aconitum napellus. Perennial growing to 1.3 m. It is hardy to zone 6 and is not frost tender. It is in leaf from February to October, in flower from..
Albanian Rock Jasmine
Albanian rock jasmine - Androsace albana. Beautiful alpine plant! A wonderful perennial from the Primulaceae family with modest pinkish-white flowers collected in a pretty globular inflorescence with an unusual and interesting leaf shape. Origin: ..
Alexanders Rhubarb
Alexander`s rhubarb - Rheum alexandrae. Location: can grow both in the sun and in partial shade. Soil: all rhubarb plants are hardy plants, but require fertile, deeply cultivated soil with lime added. Landing pits should be large and well filled...
Allwoods Pink (Rock pink)
Rock pink (Allwoods Pink) - Dianthus x allwoodii.  Perennial plants, 15-25 cm high, with fragrant double flowers, salmon-pink colour with a bright red spot in the middle, up to 5 cm in diameter. They form a dense gray turf, grow very quic..
Alpine aster "Albus"
Vierhappers aster "Albus" - Aster alpinus. The most common and easy to cultivate of the dwarf perennial asters! Miniature "daisies" from the Asteraceae family. Flowering plant height: 25-30 cm. Inflorescence diameter ..
Alpine aster "Dunkle Schöne" (Vierhapper's Aster)
Alpine aster "Dark Beauty" or "Dunkle Schöne" - Aster alpinus. Inflorescences 3-3.5 cm in diameter, reed flowers dark purple to violet (bloom in the second half of summer). Curtain perennial up to 3..
Alpine aster "Goliath"
Alpine aster "Goliath" - Aster alpinus. Unpretentious, cold-resistant perennial with numerous shoots and very abundant flowering. In one place without a transplant grows 5-6 years. Excellent culture for rockgarden, mixborders, group ..
Alpine aster "Happy End"
 Aster alpine "Happy End" - Aster alpinus. One of the best types of perennial aster. A rapidly growing plant, 25-30 cm high, with single chamomile pink inflorescences up to 4 cm in diameter. It blooms from May to July. Use for mixbo..
Alpine Avens
Alpine Avens - Geum montanum. Evergreen perennial for rock garden from the Rosaceae family. Homeland - the mountains of Europe. Flowering plant height: 15 cm. Flower colour: golden yellow. The flowers are cup-shaped, yellow, about 2.5 cm in ..
Alpine Bluegrass (Alpine Meadow Grass)
Alpine Meadow Grass (Bluegrass) - Poa alpina. An evergreen perennial from the Poaceae family. Plant height: 10 cm. Natural flowering period: June - July. Foliage: gray-green. Growth habit: cushion-forming, winter-green. Winter hardiness zo..
Alpine catchfly
Alpine catchfly - Lychnis alpina. Perennial for rock garden, flowering potted plant. The height of the flowering plant is 10 cm. Natural flowering period: June-July. Climatic zones of winter hardiness: Z4-Z8. The flowers are pink-red or crimson,..
Alpine catchfly "Snow Flurry"
Alpine catchfly "Snow Flurry" - Lychnis alpina. Alpine lychnis is popular with experienced and novice gardeners due to its easy care and high decorative effect. Compact bushes up to 15 centimeters high will be an excellent decoration ..
Alpine Forget-me-not "Baby Blues" hybrids
Alpine Forget-me-not hybrids "Baby Blues" - Eritrichium canum. Perennial for rock garden or for pot culture from the borage family Boraginaceae. It germinates quickly and can bloom in three to four months. Flowering plant height: 25 cm. ..
Alpine Pink
Alpine Pink - Dianthus alpinus. Ground cover perennial plant from the Caryophyllaceae family. Origin: Europe, Eastern Alps (rocky meadows, sandy slopes, endemic). Dianthus alpinus is variable: deep pink, cherry and purplish pink are found. F..
Alpine Sawsepal Penstemon
Alpine Sawsepal Penstemon - Penstemon alpinus. Perennial for the rockgarden. Flowering plant height: 20 cm. Flowering period: V-VI. Climatic zones: Z3-8. Name: comes from the Greek words "pente" - five and "stemon" - stamen t..
Alpine scullcap "Arcobaleno"
Alpine scullcap "Arcobaleno" - Scutellaria alpina. Groundcover perennial from the Lamiaceae family. Origin: grows naturally in the mountains of Southern Europe, the Balkans and southern Siberia.In culture since the 17th century. Special ..
Alpine sea holly "Blue Star"
Alpine sea holly "Blue Star" - Eryngium alpinum. Origin: alpine meadows of Europe. Flowering plant height: 80 cm. Natural flowering period: June - August. Winter hardiness: Z4 - Z9. Growth habit: strong, erect. Foliage: shiny, heart-s..
Alpine sea holly "Superbum"
Alpine sea holly "Superbum" - Eryngium alpinum. An excellent flower for cutting. Flowering period: VI-VIII. Winter hardiness zones: Z4-9. Flowering plant height: 80 cm. 1.0 g = 200 seeds. ..
Alpine wormwood
Alpine wormwood - Artemisia laxa. Creeping, ground cover plant for rock gardens, with an intense aroma.  Plant height: 10 cm. The leaves are arranged in alternate order, deeply dissected, less often whole. The inflorescences are baskets,..
Showing 1 to 25 of 411 (17 Pages)