Gardener's pharmacy - choice
Gardener pharmacy
Garden pest trap "WIN Wasp"
WIN Wasp - a trap for catching wasps and other pests in open spaces. * Does not contain poisons * Easy to use * Reusable. The trap will help protect against various types of annoying insects in gardens, vineyards, on balconies, in gazebo..
Garden putty "Fort" (spray form)
Spray "Fort" - garden putty for trees in the form of a spray. Садовый вар в виде аэрозольного спрея "Форт" (Fort). Метод распыления весьма эффективен при обработке прививочных мест, свежих срезов и труднодоступных мест ранений..
Garden wax
Garden wax. Used to treat cuts and various injuries to fruit trees, shrubs, and ornamental trees. Protects plant wounds from drying out, from sap separation, from penetration of fungal spores and other pathogens. This wax mixture contains ozokerit..
Gel bait for exterminating ants "Imidasect Ants"
Gel bait for the destruction of ants "Imidasect Ants". This bait is very effective because it works on the principle of a "Trojan horse": scout ants discover the attractiveness of special attractants, laying a pheromone path for ..
Gel bait for exterminating ants "Imidasect Ants"
Gel bait for exterminating ants: Pharaon Ant (Monomorium pharaonis) and Argentine Ant (Linepithema humile). Гелевая приманка для уничтожения муравьёв "Imidasect Ants", находящаяся в "мини-домике" с целью доступности е..
Glue trap "Magnet Drosophila Banana"
Glue trap for Drosophila and house midges "Magnet Drosophila Banana". Ловушка клеевая для дрозофил и комнатных мошек "Magnet drosophila Banana". Применение: 1. Разместите ловушку в "фокусной зоне". 2. Для ..
Glue trap "Magnet Silverfish"
Glue trap "Magnet Silverfish" for Lepisma saccharina. ..
Glyocladin is a biological soil fungicide based on the beneficial soil fungus Trichoderma harzianum, strain VIZR-18, which prevents the development of root and root rot. Active ingredient: Trichoderma harzianum, strain 18 VIZR, titer 109 CFU / g. P..
Granular chlorine-free complex fertilizer for cucumbers
Granular chlorine-free complex fertilizer for cucumbers. Nitrogen (N) - 11% Phosphorus (P2O5) - 9% Potassium (K2O) - 20% + Mg + S + B. Entered locally. Sprinkle the fertilizer over the surface of the soil and mix into the soil. Or scatter around ..
Granular chlorine-free complex fertilizer for field vegetables and potatoes
Granular chlorine-free complex fertilizer for field vegetables and potatoes. N - 17 P2O5 - 6 K2O - 11. Entered locally. Sprinkle the fertilizer over the surface of the soil and mix into the soil. Or scatter around vegetative plants. Use only..
Granular chlorine-free complex fertilizer for field vegetables and potatoes
Granular chlorine-free complex fertilizer for field vegetables and potatoes. N - 17 P2O5 - 6 K2O - 11. Entered locally. Sprinkle the fertilizer over the surface of the soil and mix into the soil. Or scatter around vegetative plants. Use only..
Granular superphosphate
Granular superphosphate. Superphosphate is a very effective fertilizer. 1 kg = 33 m2. A phosphorus based fertilizer can act in several ways: - improvement of the root system of plants - maintenance or restoration of healthy plant development..
Granular superphosphate
Granular superphosphate. Superphosphate is a very effective fertilizer. Phosphorus-based fertilizer can act in several ways: - improvement of the root system of plants - maintaining or restoring the healthy development and growth of the plant - ..
Purpose of use: granular organic complex fertilizer for fertilizing soil, vegetables, flowers, garden and ornamental plants, lawns. Fertilizing recommendations: should be applied locally or by spreading in all directions (lawns). Poor and add fertil..
FOR GREENHOUSE AND GARDEN Identification. Bulk organic-mineral fertiliser, A. organic fertiliser with NK fertiliser. Description. Organic-mineral fertiliser ‘Organic way OM 6-3-4’ meets all the basic plant nutritional needs, enri..
FOR TOMATOES AND PAPRIKAS Description. Organic-mineral fertiliser ‘Organic way OM 4-3-8’ meets all the basic plant nutritional needs, enriches the soil with organic matter and stimulates its microbiological activity. Farmers have long kn..
Granulated superphosphate (4 kg)
Granular superphosphate. Superphosphate is a very effective fertilizer. Phosphorus-based fertilizer can act in several ways: - improvement of the root system of plants - maintaining or restoring the healthy development and growth of the plant - ..
Prof Pack
Green fertilizer: Oat + Vetch (mix)
Green manure mix: common oat + common vetch (Avena sativa L.+ Vicia sativa L.). "Green fertilizer". Green manure from legumes and cereals enriches the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, prevents the leaching of humus,..
Green lawn without moss"
Mineral fertilizer for lawns + moss elimination - is a granular mineral fertilizer with special additives that neutralize the activity of moss growth. Content: N: 19 (total nitrogen) - Accelerates growth and increases heat tolerance. MgO: 5..
Prof Pack
Green manure "Extra" (mix)
Universal green manure "Extra" (mix): * Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum) 20%. * Broad beans (Vicia faba) 20%. * Common Vetch (Vicia sativa) 20%. * White mustard (Sinapis alba) 20%. * Nowrap, fodder radish ..
Prof Pack
Green manure "Extra" (mix)
Green manure "Extra" (mix): * Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum) 20%. * Broad beans (Vicia faba) 20%. * Common Vetch (Vicia sativa) 20%. * White mustard (Sinapis alba) 20%. * Nowrap, fodder radish (Raphanus ..
Green Soap
"Green Soap". Green soap is a preparation of natural origin, consisting of a mixture of fatty acids, potassium salts and vegetable oils. Owners of household plots use it to protect against insect pests, as well as to prevent plant disease..
Green Soap + extract Chilly
"Green soap" (potassium soap) is a preparation of natural origin, consisting of a mixture of fatty acids, potassium salts and vegetable oils. Owners of household plots use it for protection against insect pests, as well as for the preventi..
Green vitriol (FeSO4 x 7H2O)
Green vitriol FeSO4 x 7H2O (Ferrous sulfate). Железный купорос, сернокислое железо или Сульфат двухвалентного железа FeSO4. Почти 200 лет назад было доказано, что для нормального роста и плодоношения растениям необходимы соли железа (причём,..
Green vitriol (FeSO4 x 7H2O) Ferrous sulfate
Green vitriol FeSO4 x 7H2O (Ferrous sulfate). Almost 200 years ago, it was proved that plants need iron salts for normal growth and fruiting (moreover, the warmer the climatic zone, the higher the need for iron in plants). Lack of iron manifests its..
Showing 76 to 100 of 268 (11 Pages)