Canadian сolumbine "Little Lanterns"
Honeysuckle columbine "Little Lanterns" - Aquilegia canadensis. You have never seen such an amazing aquilegia: its large flowers with spurs on numerous thin branches, deep red, really resemble lanterns, and golden stamens will illuminate a..
Columbine "Biedermeier" (mix)
Columbine hybrids "Biedermeier" (colour mix). Аквилегия гибридная "БИДЕРМЕЙЕР" - Aquilegia x hybrida.  Неприхотливое растение семейства Лютиковые высотой до 40 см. Ценится за оригинальные поникающие цветки разноо..
Columbine "Double mix"
1.89€ 1.73€
Columbine "Double mix". The plant is 60-80 cm high, with a spreading bush, 40-50 cm in diameter. Leaves are triple-dissected twice, glaucous. Flowers 4-5 cm in diameter, varied in color. Blooms in June-July. They are used for planting in ..
Columbine "Koralle"
1.64€ 1.51€
Columbine "Koralle". Graceful flowers of rare colours. An elegant plant with delicate bluish leaves. A beautifully shaped bush, 70-80 cm high. The flowers are large, coral with a yellow center, about 5 cm in diameter. Blooms from May to ..
Columbine "Mc Kana Giants" (mix)
Columbine "Mc Kana Giants" (colour mix). Graceful flowers of various colours! An elegant plant with delicate bluish leaves. A beautifully shaped bush, 70 cm high. The flowers are very large. Blooms from May to July. Used for planting in ..
Columbine "Mister Scott Elliott" (mix)
Columbine "Mister Scott Elliott" (mix). Unpretentious, winter-hardy perennial. Bushes 80-90 cm high with openwork foliage. The flowers are large, 9-10 cm in diameter, on long peduncles. It winters well in the open field. 1,0 g = 500-1000..
Columbine "Yellow Crystal"
2.01€ 1.85€
Columbine "Yellow Crystal" -  Aquilegia hybrida. An unpretentious herbaceous plant 80 cm high. Flowers are single, with an elongated straight spur, up to 10 cm in diameter, yellow in color. Plants are frost-resistant, tolerate p..
Columbine double (mix)
1.95€ 1.79€
Low double columbine (mix of colors). Very decorative variety with double flowers. The plant is 40-50 cm high, with a spreading bush shape. The leaves are dissected and glaucous. The flowers are large and of various colours. Blooms in Ju..
Dwarf fan-shaped columbine "Rosea"
Dwarf fan-shaped columbine "Rosea" - Aquilegia flabellata var. pumila f. kurilensis. Low-growing compact bushes (25-30 cm) with pale pink flowers that bloom in May-June. Blooms in the second year after sowing. Flowering season: May-June...
Siberian Columbine
1.95€ 1.79€
Siberian Columbine - Aquilegia sibirica Lam. Distributed in Western and Eastern Siberia, enters adjacent areas of Central Asia and northwestern Mongolia. It grows in mountain forest and floodplain meadows up to the alpine belt. In the Altai Mountain..
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