Bacopa ornamental "Snowtopia White"
Sutera cordata "Snowtopia White" - Bacopa speciosa (Sutera cordata). For the first time - bacopa propagated by seeds. Snow-white flowers-stars completely cover the shoots of this plant. It blooms continuously all season, with small w..
 Cabbage broccoli "Calabrese Natalino"
Cabbage broccoli "Calabrese Natalino". A fertile plant with a mild taste. A very valuable vegetable used fresh, stewed or frozen. Grown in greenhouses for early harvest or outdoors for late harvest. For harvesting, it is sown all summer f..
 Medicinal lavender
Medicinal lavender (Common lavender) - Lavandula officinalis Chaix. A beautiful fragrant plant. Excellent honey plant. A perennial evergreen shrub up to 60 cm high. The plant is highly branched, with narrow grayish-green leaves, forming a..
 Petunia "Easy Wave Red" F1 (Surfinia)
Spreading petunia "Easy Wave Red" F1 (Surfinia). Powerful cascade with large flowers of exceptional color! Plants are fast growing, well branched. The whips are strong, resistant to breakage, up to 80-100 cm long. It forms many large..
 Watermelon "Pata Negra" F1
Watermelon "Pata Negra" F1. A very early hybrid. Fruits are round, weighing 7-8 kg. The color of the peel is dark green. The pulp is bright red, crispy and sweet. This hybrid is highly resistant to fusarium (parasite-provocateur of the di..
The product for mechanical insect control, intended for use outdoors and indoors - "Diatomic": designed to control slugs and snails, garden ants + natural soil improver. Purpose: the product consists of microorganism diatom fossils. D..
"Touch-Me-Not" Sensitive Plant
Sensitive plant "Touch-Me-Not" - Mimosa pudica L. This is a slightly branched perennial herbaceous plant with woody shoots 30-50 cm high from tropical America. As a houseplant, only shy mimosa is used ... Its bipinnate leaves are especial..
Agrotextile "Spunbond" (black, 1,6 x 10,0 m, 50 g/m2)
Accelerates maturity of plants, suppresses weeds without using herbicides. Ensures soil protection against water loss and evaporation. The film is resistant to UV and can be used for extensive period of time. The main advantages of Agrotextile: ..
Agrotextile "Spunbond" (black, 2,0 x 5,0 m, 100 g/m2)
Agrotextile is designed for planting in gardens and parks, growing fruit, vegetables, ornamental trees and plants, landscaping, as well as a basis for mulch, crushed stone, sand and other materials. This textile: inhibits weeds by absorbing sunlight..
Agrotextile "Spunbond" (growing fleece)
Agrofibre Spunbond is a synthetic covering material for protecting plants from adverse weather conditions, which is a white or black non-woven fabric. Projects soil against dryning, maintains necessary moisture levels. Creates favourable microclima..
Agrotextile "Spunbond" (white 3,2 x 10,0 m, 30 g/m2)
Agrofibre Spunbond is a synthetic covering material for protecting plants from adverse weather conditions, which is a white or black non-woven fabric. Projects soil against dryning, maintains necessary moisture levels. Creates favourable microclima..
Alpine aster (mix)
Alpine aster (mixture). Undemanding plant. The main condition for successful cultivation is to provide a well-permeable alkaline soil containing calcium and a sunny position. Otherwise, this aster will not linger on your site for long. Differs in c..
Alyssum "Snowcloth"
Sweet alyssum "Snowcloth" - Alyssum maritimum. Very strong and delicate fragrance. A miniature plant with small, honey-scented flowers. The plant is low, up to 5-10 cm. It forms a dense, creeping white carpet. The leaves are narrow, lanc..
Amaranth "Perfecta" (Joseph's coat)
Amaranth "Perfecta" - Amaranthus gangeticus. Bright decorative leafy annual! A pretty multi-coloured bush about 50-70 cm high. Leaves are elongated-ovate, tricolour: a spectacular plant for real aesthetes. Recommended for single and..
Ammonium sulfonitrate (saletrosan)
Saletrosan. Universal combined nitrogen-sulfur fertilizer - ammonium nitrate-sulphate (ammonium nitrate NH4NO3 + ammonium sulfate (NH₄)₂SO₄). Perfectly balanced ratio "Nitrogen + Sulfur". Nitrogen content (26%): N = 19.0% + N-N..
Annual flowers mix "Last minute"
Mix of hight annual flowers "Last minute". Spectacular, multi-coloured and unpretentious flower mix "for the lazy" - "Last minute". The perfect combination of flower crops is suitable for creating flowering meadow..
Arctic poppy​​​​​​​ "Victory Giant" (mix of Siberian poppy)
Iceland Poppy "Victory Giant" (Siberian Poppy) - Papaver nudicaule. An amazing perennial plant with large cup-shaped flowers will decorate your garden when nature does not please with riotous colour... Decorative poppy is g..
Arkwright campion "Vesuvius"
Arkwright campion "Vesuvius" (Catchfly) - Lychnis arkwrightii. Blooms all summer! An attractive perennial herbaceous plant that forms a compact bush 35-40 cm high. Bright orange-red flowers, up to 3 cm in diameter, combine inter..
Asparagus "Mary Washington"
Asparagus "Mary Washington" is a very unpretentious plant that is easy to grow. Early ripening variety. The plant is perennial, active formation of young shoots occurs in the 3-4th year of life. Shoots in the commercial usefulness phase ha..
Aster "Crallen" mix
Chinese aster "Crallen" (mix of colours) - Callistephus chinensis. A tall, elegant series with a special decorative effect due to its unusual flowers: the petals are clawed, curled inside, and slightly curled in the inflorescence. Th..
Aster "Princess Salmon"
Aster "Princess Salmon". Plants 60 cm high. Pink inflorescences, resistant to unfavourable weather conditions. Blooms in August-September. They are used very widely: for planting in prefabricated flower gardens in groups, on beds - in row..
Aster "Princess White"
Aster "Princess White". Magnificent autumn bouquet! An upright, branchy annual intended mainly for pruning and flower planting. Leaves are ovate, serrated, white flowers, up to 60 cm high. A sunny place is required. Sowing time: Mar..
Aster "Princess" mix
China aster "Princess" mix. Unusually large inflorescences of bright colour. Plants are 60 cm high. Inflorescences of various colours are resistant to adverse weather conditions. Blooms in August-September. They are used very widely: for..
Aster "Unicum Blue"
Aster "Unicum Blue" - Callistephus chinensis. Up to 20 inflorescences on one plant! Aster with full-double, needle-shaped inflorescences of a beautiful shape up to 10 cm in diameter. A bush of a bouquet form (60-70 cm high), with a ..
Aster "Unicum Pink"
Aster "Unicum Pink" - Callistephus chinensis. Up to 20 inflorescences on one plant! Aster with full-double, needle-shaped inflorescences of a beautiful shape up to 10 cm in diameter. A bush of a bouquet form (60-70 cm high), with a ..
Showing 1 to 25 of 783 (32 Pages)