BONE MEAL - ORGANIC FERTILIZER WITH LIMING SUBSTANCE NP (Ca, Mg) 2,5-30 (+42+1). Fertilizer for soil improvement and feeding of various types of plants. Avoid fertilizing acid-loving plants, soils with phosphorus deficiency and soils with a pH of 7 ..
Border carnation "Chabaud" (Divine flower, Clove pink) mix
Clove pink "Chabaud" (border carnation) - Dianthus caryophyllus schabaud. Sophistication in every flower! Great cut! A perennial herbaceous plant cultivated in our cool climate as an annual. The bushes are compact, up to 50 cm high. ..
Bracted strawflower "Tom Thumb" (paper daisy)
Bracted strawflower "Tom Thumb" (mix). Herbaceous plant 45-50 cm high. Stems erect, branched. The leaves are dark green, narrow. The flowers are double, 4-6 cm in diameter, of various colors: white, pink, yellow, orange, red. Reed flowers ..
Broad bean "Aguadulce Supersimonia"
Broad bean "Aguadulce Supersimonia". Medium early (from germination to technical ripeness 71-89 days) variety. Plants are medium-leafy, 1-1.2 m high. Pods are long, wide, strongly curved, green in technical ripeness. The grains are large, ..
Broad bean "Extra precoce a grano violetto"
Purple broad bean (fava) "Extra precoce a grano violetto". A unique and colourful variety from Italy, extra-early purple variety suitable for a short, cool weather season crop. This extra early variety produces long pods that are filled w..
Broad beans "Windsor Bialy"
Broad beans "White Windsor". Mid-season variety (120 days). The plant is powerful, 80-100 cm high. The pods are large, with 4-6 beans. The beans are white with a greenish tint. 1,0 g = 1-2 seeds. Agricultural technology. Beans grow we..
Broccoli "Montop" F1 (Green sprouting Calabrese)
Green sprouting calabrese broccoli "Montop" F1 - Brassica oleracea botrytis cymosa. Medium early, fertile hybrid variety not producing side shoots. Resistant to poor lighting conditions. The vegetation period is 75 days. The inflores..
Broccoli "Sebastian"
Sprouting calabrese "Sebastian" (Broccoli). An early ripe variety that is grown both in spring and autumn. Heads are tied already after 30-40 days, and in autumn after 45-50 days. The variety is unique in that dense dark green inflor..
Brussel sprouts "Dolores" F1
Brussel sprout "DOLORES" F1. Early hybrid (120-130 days from planting to harvest), intended for fresh consumption and for processing. Plant height 100-110 cm. On one plant, 20-35 heads are formed, the weight of one head is 6-10 g. Product..
Brussels sprout "Groninger"
Brussels sprout "Groninger" - Brassica oleracea gemmifera.. Mid-early variety: growing season 104 days. The stem is low (about 50-60 cm). 1 gram contains 260-310 seeds. * Gourmet vegetable. Brussels sprouts grow slowly, but rewar..
Bunching onion "Bajkal" (Welsh Onion)
Welsh Onion "Bajkal" (Bunching onion) - Allium fistulosum. The earliest and tender vitamins! It forms a small cylindrical head with tubular leaves turning into a false stem. With regular harvesting, the leaves grow back througho..
Butterfly bush (Buddleia mix)
Butterfly bush (mix) - Buddleja davidii. A gardener's dream and a butterfly magnet! Location: budleia is light-loving. For better growth and abundant flowering, buddleia should be planted in a sunny place, protected from cold winds and dra..
Cabbage broccoli "Calabrese Natalino"
Cabbage broccoli "Calabrese Natalino". A fertile plant with a mild taste. A very valuable vegetable used fresh, stewed or frozen. Grown in greenhouses for early harvest or outdoors for late harvest. For harvesting, it is sown all summer f..
Calcium saltpeter
Calcium saltpeter (calcium nitrate) – N(Ca) 15,5 (+26).  Universal nitrogen and calcium fertilizer. Before use, dissolve fertilizer in water. Not suitable for Ericaceae plants.  Fertilizer rate: for watering – 10–30 g/1..
Calendula "Geisha Girl"
Calendula "Geisha Girl". A popular, unpretentious plant from the Asteraceae family. Blooms from June to September. Flowering is plentiful and long, especially when removing faded inflorescences. Inflorescences are orange with red petal ti..
Calendula "Pink Surprise"
Calendula "Pink Surprise". Hardy Annual. Flowers: Summer. Height: 24 inches. Position: Full Sun. Ideal For: Bedding, Border. Germination: Easy. Aftercare: Easy. Description: Amongst fiery orange and yellow flowers appears a surpris..
Calendula "Yellow Gitana"
0.91€ 0.54€
Calendula "Gitana yellow" - Calendula officinalis. A popular unpretentious plant from the Asteracea family. Blooms from June to September. Flowering is plentiful and long, especially when removing faded inflorescences. Terry inflorescences..
California poppy "Ballerina" (mix)
Californian poppy "Ballerina" (Gold poppy) - Eschscholzia californica. Annual. Plant height 20 cm. Flower diameter 4-6 cm. Light and heat-loving plant with a branched stem forming compact or creeping bushes.  Flowers are solita..
Campion keiskei "Silky Pink"
Keiskei campion "Silky Pink" - Silene keiskei. An exquisite perennial that blooms in the year of sowing. For any flower beds and balcony pots. Height 20-25 cm. A fast-growing variety that forms a solid carpet of branched bushes. Blo..
Canary nasturtium (Canary bird flower)
Canary nasturtium (Canary creeper). Showy fast-growing annual herbaceous plant with exotic flowers and beautiful split leaves. Stems up to 250 cm long, light green. The leaves are small, five-seven-parted. The flowers are small, canary-yellow with c..
Canterbury bell "Cup and Saucers" (pink)
Canterbury bell "Cup and Saucers" (pink). This bellflower is beautiful in various flower arrangements and provides elegant material for cutting. The plant forms a pyramidal bush 80 cm high. Large pink flowers are collected in pyramidal in..
Canterbury bells "Cup and Saucer" mix
Canterbury bells "Cup and Saucer" mix. The bell is beautiful in a variety of flower arrangements and provides an exquisite cutting material. The plant forms a pyramidal bush 70-80 cm high. Large pink flowers are collected in pyramidal inf..
Carnation chabaud "Benigna"
Carnation chabaud "Benigna". Sophistication in every flower. A perennial plant grown as an annual in our cool climate. The bushes are inverse pyramidal, compact with a clearly defined main stem, 45-60 cm high. The flowers are large, 4&nd..
Carrot "Amsterdam 2"
CARROT "AMSTERDAM 2". Grows best in cultivated, humus, not soaked easy clay loam or sandy loam sols. If the soil is heavy – sprout bad, the root vegetables are short, branchy, split. An early kind. The crop is harvested 80 days afte..
Carrot "Amsterdam 2"
1.28€ 0.76€
CARROT "AMSTERDAM 2". Grows best in cultivated, humus, not soaked easy clay loam or sandy loam sols. If the soil is heavy – sprout bad, the root vegetables are short, branchy, split. An early kind. The crop is harvested 80 days afte..
Showing 51 to 75 of 830 (34 Pages)