False sunflower "Burning Hearts" (Ox-Eye)
False sunflower "Burning Hearts" - Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra. Family: Asteraceae. Origin: North America, Southern Canada. Perennial with strong stems, reddish leaves and showy golden yellow flowers with an orange-red central di..
False sunflower "Summer Sun" (Ox-Eye, Sunflower Heliopsis)
Ox-Eye "Summer Sun" (Sunflower Heliopsis) - Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. Origin: North America, Southern Canada. An excellent honey plant and cut flower for a bouquet. Na..
Filigree beard tongue (pineneedle beardtongue)
Pineneedle beardtongue (Pineleaf Beardtougue, Filigree beard tongue) - Penstemon pinifolius. Evergreen perennial from the family Scrophulariaceae for the rock garden. Homeland - the states New Mexico and Arizona. Flowering plant height: 20 cm..
Fingerleaf Rodgersia "New hybrids"
Fingerleaf Rodgersia "New hybrids" - Rogersia henrici. Frost-resistant perennial from the Saxifragaceae family. Very decorative, has proven itself both in single plantings and in group compositions. Flower colours: white, from ..
Fleabane "Rosa Juwel"
Fleabane daisy "Pink Juwel" - Erigeron speciosus. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. Flower color: lilac-pink. Height with flowers: 70 cm. Flower diameter: 5 cm. Natural flowering period: June - August. Winter hardiness zones: Z3 &..
Fleabane (Desert Yellow Daisy)
Yellow Fleabane - Erigeron linearis. For the rock garden. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. Flower colour: golden yellow. Flowering plant height: 15 cm. Natural flowering period: May - June. Soil requirements: dry, well-drained. Winter har..
Foxglove "Monstrosa mix"
Monster-Foxglove - Digitalis purpurea. Supersize! Variety with exceptionally large flowers, decorated with expressive purple spots. The gradual blooming of flowers on the spike-shaped inflorescence for a long time provides the plant with..
Foxglove Beardtongue "Husker Red Superior Strain" (Talus Slope Penstemon, Firecracker)
Firecracker "Husker Red Superior Strain" (Foxglove Beardtongue) - Penstemon digitalis. Perennial from the Scrophulariaceae family. Origin: hybrid. Features: White, tubular-shaped flowers surround sturdy stems. 98% of plants have att..
Foxtail Lily "Erfo hybrids" (Desert Candle)
Desert Candle "Erfo hybrids" (Foxtail Lily) - Eremurus x isabellinus. Ornamental perennial for solo and cut. Family: Asphodelaceae. An early flowering mixture of whites, pinks, yellows and oranges. Flowering plant height:..
Fragrant Flowered Garlic (Chinense chives)
Sweet-Scented Onion (Fragrant Flowered Garlic) - Allium ramosum = Allium odorum. Mild, pleasant scent! The leaves do not grow coarse throughout the summer! Mid-season (from germination to cutting leaves 30-37 days) variety of perennial rhizomatous ..
Fragrant Virgin's Bower
Fragrant Virgin's Bower - Clematis flammula. Perennial vine up to 2 m high. The flowers are white, with a strong fragrance (reminiscent of almonds mixed with vanilla). Vigorous climber, covered with a cloud of fragrant, star-shaped, white flow..
Frostweed (white rock rose)
White rock rose (frostweed) - Нelianthemum apenninum (L.) Mill. For the rockgarden.  V-VII, Z5-9, 25 cm. Rock rose, white felt-like foliage, white blossom racemes, unpretentious. Homeland - western and southwestern ..
Garden Speedwell "Blue Shades"
Garden Speedwell "Blue Shades" - Veronica longifolia. Few plants cause so few problems and are so widespread as Veronica. You cannot do without it when creating modern flower arrangements. It will take a worthy place on a rocky hill and i..
Geneva Bugleweed (Upright Bugle)
Upright Bugle (Geneva Bugleweed) - Ajuga genevensis. An evergreen perennial from the Lamiaceae family. Origin: from Central and Southern Europe to the Caucasus (dry pastures, forest margins). Similar to Ajuga reptans, but without above-ground shoo..
Giant Bellflower "Alba"
Great Bellflower "Alba" - Campanula latifolia v. macrantha. Bright accent in the garden! A hardy perennial plant. Stems erect, 70-130 cm tall. Flowers up to 3.5 cm long, located in the axils of the upper leaves, forming a s..
Giant Bellflower "Amethyst"
Giant Bellflower "Amethyst" - Campanula latifolia var. macrantha. Shade-tolerant and unpretentious! A tall perennial herb from the Campanulaceae family. Origin: Europe to Kashmir (mountain forests). Flower colour: lilac-blue (flowe..
Globe Daisy
Globe Daisy - Globularia nudicaulis. Ground cover perennial for rock garden. Flowering plant height: 15 cm. Natural flowering period: May - June. Soil requirements: dry, calcareous, well-drained. Winter hardiness zones: Z3 - Z8. 1,0 g = 3500 se..
Globe garlic (ball-head onion)
Round-head garlic (Globe garlic) - Allium sphaerocephalum. Effect perennial onion comes from Central and Southern Europe. Flower colour: purple-red. Flowering plant height: 50 cm. Natural flowering period: July - August. Winter hardiness zo..
Globe Thistle "Platinum Blue"
Small globe thistle "Platinum Blue" - Echinops ritro ssp. ruthenicus. A surprisingly unpretentious plant. One of the most popular dried flowers, retaining the blue colour of the inflorescences for a long time. Ideal for dry areas and rock ..
Globeflower - Trollius pumilus. Perennial from the family Ranunculaceae. Origin: Bhutan, Northern Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim (swamps, mountain meadows). Flower colour: golden yellow. Foliage: rounded, basal leaves 3-5-parted, serrate, dark green. Fl..
Glossy leaved Angelica
Glossy leaved Angelica (Shiny leaved wild parsnip) - Angelica pachycarpa = Angelica hispanica. A plant with intrigue! Family: Umbelliferae. Origin: Spain and Portugal. Distinguishing Features: exceptionally beautiful glossy foliage, rem..
Goat's rue (French lilac, Italian fitch, Professor-weed)
French lilac (Italian fitch, Professor-weed, Goat's rue) - Galega officinalis. Abundant and long flowering. Perennial from the Papilionaceae family. Homeland: Eastern Mediterranean (from south to central Europe). Flowering plant hei..
Gold drop "Solar Yellow"
Gold drop "Solar Yellow" - Chiastophyllum oppositifolium = Cotyledon simplicifolia. An unpretentious evergreen perennial with magnificent green foliage. Low-growing perennial from the Crassulaceae family. Origin: Western Caucasus. ..
Golden Clematis "Radar Love" (Lemon Peel Clematis, golden virgin's bower)
Lemon Peel Clematis "Radar Love" (Golden Clematis, golden virgin's bower) - Clematis tangutica. Beautifully flowering perennial liana with drooping bright yellow inflorescences up to 4 cm in diameter. Origin: Mongolia and China. ..
Golden Groundsel "Midnight Lady" (Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort, Big Leaf Ligularia)
Big Leaf Ligularia "Midnight Lady" (Golden Groundsel, Leopard Plant, Summer Ragwort) - Ligularia dentata. An unpretentious, shade-tolerant and frost-resistant decorative deciduous perennial from the Asteraceae family. Flower colour: ..
Showing 126 to 150 of 394 (16 Pages)