Ecological seeds
Tomato - color
Tomatoes - shape
Large fruit tomatoes
Tomato "Korol London"
Tomato "Korol London". One of the best large-fruited lettuce varieties for film greenhouses and open ground. The plant is large, well-leafy and 1.2-1.5 m high. The bush is powerful, formed in 1-2 stems. The fruits are heart-shaped, very l..
Tomato "Krasny Slon"
Tomato "Red Elephant". The best beef tomato for outdoor cultivation. It combines rare and valuable qualities for tomatoes: short stature, early ripeness and large fruit. The plant is only 50 cm high, strong, well leafy, withstands a serio..
Tomato "Kubyshka gigantskaya"
Tomato "Kubyshka gigantskaya". Meaty, tasty, aromatic, without voids. Magnificent, large-fruited and high-yielding variety, medium ripening period for greenhouses and film shelters with mandatory tying to a support. The fruits are cube-s..
Tomato "Lacitrine" F1
Fleshy yellow tomato ''Lacitrine" F1. Sweet and aromatic pulp! Early ripening, tall tomato hybrid of the "Beef" type for hotbeds and greenhouses. Plants are vigorous, highly productive, resistant to diseases. Fruits are ..
Tomato "Lemon Boy" F1
-Светло жёлтые. Урожайные. Вкус тоже понравился, хотя не очень люблю гибриды. Выше 1.5метра в поликарбонатной теплице в суглинке.
-Светло жёлтые. Урожайные. Вкус тоже понравился, хотя не очень люблю гибриды. Выше 1.5метра в поликарбонатной теплице в суглинке.
Tomato "Lemon Boy" F1. Medium-late variety, 130-150 cm long. Fruit weight 150-180 g. Disease resistant. This hybrid is intended for cultivation in the protected ground. ..
Tomato "Lemon Giant"
Fleshy yellow tomato ''Lemon Giant''. Only pulp! Mid-season salad variety. Plant height 120-140 cm. The first brush is laid over the 7-9 sheet, the next - after 2-3 sheets. The fruits are flat-round, very large, weighing up t..
Tomato "Lemon Giant"
Fleshy yellow tomato ''Lemon Giant''. Only pulp! Mid-season salad variety. Plant height 120-140 cm. The first brush is laid over the 7-9 sheet, the next - after 2-3 sheets. The fruits are flat-round, very large, weighing up t..
Tomato "Ljagushka-Tsarevna"
Tomato "Ljagushka-Tsarevna". Mid-early (111-115 days from full germination to maturity) variety for open ground and film greenhouses. The plant is medium-sized, up to 1.5 m high, powerful. The fruits are large, multi-chamber, flat-round, ..
Tomato "Malinovy Slon"
Tomato "Crimson Elephant". An excellent salad variety, suitable for canning in pieces: very tasty vegetable cuts are obtained. Mid-season (113-117 days from germination to fruiting), large-fruited tomato for growing in open ground (in the..
Tomato "Malinowy Olbrzym"
Tomato "Malinowy Olbrzym". Mid-season variety with delicious raspberry fruits of amazing taste (110-115 days from germination to ripening). Plant height up to 1 m. Fruits are pink, large, weighing up to 200 g, slightly ribbed, multi-chamb..
Tomato "Malinowy Rodeo"
Tomato "Raspberry Rodeo" is a mid-season variety (105 -115 days from germination to harvest), a bush type tomato. The plant is compact, undersized, 50-80 cm high. The fruits are very large, heart-shaped, crimson in color, weighing 300-800 ..
Tomato "Mamont"
Tomato "Mammoth". When they talk about large-fruited tomatoes or, in other words, beef tomatoes, a huge red round fruit immediately appears before your eyes... There are many varieties and hybrids that differ in shape, colour and size. On..
Tomato "Medovaya rosa"
Tomato "Honeydew". Captivating aroma and delicate honey taste. These tomatoes, like golden suns, literally illuminate the greenhouse! Plants are indeterminate, 180 cm or more in height. The fruits are collected in complex clusters: the f..
Tomato "Medovy Gigant"
Tomato "Honey Giant". Incredibly sweet, it has a richer and more delicate taste than red tomatoes. This large-fruited variety with yellow skin and fleshy flesh lives up to its name. Ripens at 110-115 days. Indeterminate plant (about 180 ..
Tomato "Orange Elephant"
Tomato "Orange Elephant". Mid-season (110-120 days from germination to fruiting), medium-sized, large-fruited variety for growing in film greenhouses and open ground (in the southern regions) with a garter to stakes. The plant is determina..
Tomato "Orange Queen"
Tomato "Orange Queen". Medium early, low and very fertile variety. Fruits are large, juicy, very tasty, fragnant. For fresh consumption. Excellent variety for fans of large tomato fruits. Grown in polyethylene and glass greenhouses. Seeds ..
Tomato "Orange Wellington" F1
-One of my favourite. Delicious taste. About 1.6-1.8 meter in greenhouse. F2- lower height, but quality-the same.
-One of my favourite. Delicious taste. About 1.6-1.8 meter in greenhouse. F2- lower height, but quality-the same.
Tomato "Orange Wellington" F1. Early maturing hybrid variety. The plant is semi-determinate, compact, 100-120 cm high. The fruit is bright orange, weighing 350 g. The fruits are fleshy and sweet. The value of the hybrid: high yield and re..
Tomato "Oxheart Orange"
Tomato "Cour di Bue Orange" ("Bulls Heart Orange"). Popular large-fruited variety with unusual fruit color for this variety. Medium-early. The plant is indeterminate, medium-leafy. Fruits weighing up to 400 g, slightly ribbed, ..
Tomato "Oxheart"
Tomato "Oxheart". Excellent indeterminant large-fruit variety for greenhouses for personal use. Medium-early. Sow for seedlings in March-April, plant per 50x70 or 45x80 cm in May. Grow with 1 or 2 stems, breaking all lower branches ..
Tomato "Pavlina"
Tomato "PAVLINA". Bush tomato of "Beefsteak" type. A medium early variety with big (120-160 g) semi-firm fruits. Perfect for manual harvest first of all. Nice fruits with a very high content of dry matter. Suitable for both - f..
Tomato "Pitagora" F1
Beef tomato "Pitagora" F1. Super giant! Late hybrid (500 g). ..
Tomato "Ponderosa"
Tomato "Ponderosa". Delicious and fleshy fruits of excellent taste with very few seeds. Mid-season old variety for open ground and film greenhouses, maturation occurs in 110-115 days from full shoots. Plants are vigorous (150 cm), requir..
Tomato "Red Pear"
-Такой же формы помидоров немало. Когда-то выращивала его в новой поликарбонатной теплице и в очень плодовитой земле. Вымахал около 1.8/2метров. Урожай был колосальный.
Мне он -средний по вкусу, хотя некоторые просто обожают его и спрашивают его рассады...
-Такой же формы помидоров немало. Когда-то выращивала его в новой поликарбонатной теплице и в очень плодовитой земле. Вымахал около 1.8/2метров. Урожай был колосальный. Мне он -средний по вкусу, хотя некоторые просто обожают его и спрашивают его рассады.
TOMATO "RED PEAR" - Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Medium-early tall tomato variety. Growing season - 80 days. Fruit is pear shaped, slightly ridged, weights about 200-250 g, fleshy, tasty. Used fresh, suitable for juicing, sauces. Op..
Tomato "Rosa de barbastro"
Tomato "Rosa de barbastro". It is a medium late, high-rise (indeterminate), ancient and highly fertile tomato variety. Furthermore, it is one of the most delicious "Oxheart" type tomato varieties. The plant produces pink fruits ..
Tomato "Rozamarin Funtovy"
Tomato "Rozamarin Funtovy". Mid-season (111-115 days from germination to fruiting) indeterminate variety, recommended for film greenhouses and temporary shelters. Sowing seedlings in March. Pick in the phase of the first true leaf. Planti..
Showing 26 to 50 of 88 (4 Pages)