Twisted plants annuals
Morning Glory "Heavenly Blue" (Grannyvine)
Grannyvine "Heavenly Blue" (Heavenly-blue morning-glory) - Ipomoea tricolor. This annual vine grows up to 2.5-3 m in length! The flowers are large, 8-10 cm in diameter. It blooms profusely from June to October. Agrotechnics. T..
Morning glory "Imperial" (mix)
Morning glory "Imperial" (mix). Curly annual. Height 250-300 cm. Flower diameter 5-8 cm. In the "sea" of green foliage, its luxurious gramophones flare up with bright lights. Flowering is very abundant and long (until late autumn..
Morning Glory "Raffles"
Double Morning Glory "Raffles" - Ipomoea imperialis. An annual climbing plant with an abundance of large heart-shaped leaves, 200-300 cm high. The flowers are amazingly beautiful, fully double, cherry-coloured with a white centre, up..
Morning glory "Red"
Red morning glory. One of the most beautiful garden vines. The stems reach 2.5 m in length. The funnel-shaped flowers are bright red, about 10 cm in diameter. Blooms profusely from July to October. Widely used for vertical decoration of flower be..
Morning-glory "Milky Way"
Japanese morning-glory "Milky Way" - Ipomoea purpurea. Unusual snow-white flowers with a blue star in the form of short veins. One of the most beautiful garden vines, about 250 cm high. The leaves are heart-shaped, on long petioles. ..
Ornamental  squash "Small Baby Boo"
Decorative pumpkin "Small Baby Boo" - Cucurbita pepo L. An annual, fast-growing variety with decorative fruits. Stems-vines entwine the support to a height of up to 3 meters. Emerald leaves and yellow flowers will create a magnificen..
Ornamental mini-pumpkin "Jack be Little"
Decorative mini-pumpkin "Jack be Little". Good in vertical gardening (for decorating fences, arbors and balconies). Excellent material for making jewelry and toys. Well kept. ..
Ornamental pumpkin "Andelska kridla" (mix)
Decorative pumpkin "Andelska kridla" (mix). Amazingly cute pumpkins! The stems grow with amazing speed and in one season can reach 6 m or more, which allows the plant to be used in vertical gardening. Decorative pumpkin is light-loving -..
Ornamental pumpkin "Pear Bicolor"
Decorative pumpkin "Pear Bicolor" - Cucurbita pepo. A fast-growing variety with showy fruits for outdoor cultivation. Climbing plant (about 3 m), well leafy. The fruits are small, weighing 0.2-0.3 kg. The plant is warm and light-lov..
Ornamental pumpkin "Small Indy" mix
Ornamental pumpkin "Small Indy mixed". The stems grow with tremendous speed and in one season can reach 6 m or more, which allows the plant to be used in vertical gardening. Decorative pumpkin is photophilous - therefore, in order to get a..
Ornamental pumpkin "Souvenire" (mix)
Ornamental pumpkin "Souvenire" (mix). Perfectly used not only in vertical gardening for decorating fences, arbors and balconies, but also for making decorations and toys (especially for the New Year), as they are perfectly stored. ..
Ornamental pumpkins "Schachrezada: Crown of Thorns" (decorative mix)
Ornamental pumpkins "Schachrezada" mix (Trnova Koruna). Decorative fruits of the most diverse colors in the form of stars. A plant up to 400 cm long. Dry fruits serve as a magnificent decoration for various compositions. Used for vertica..
Ornamental squash "Ga Ga Ga" F1 (Crookneck)
Crookneck "Ga Ga Ga" F1 (Decorative pumpkin). An amazing climbing plant with decorative fruits and ribbed stems up to 3 m long, equipped with tendrils that help this vine to easily "climb" to a height of up to 3 m to decorat..
Purple bell vine
Purple bells - Rhodochiton volubilis. Popular creeper from Mexico: flowers of original shape and colour! Evergreen, climbing plant, reaching a length of up to 3 meters. Interesting flowers up to 5 cm in length, which are tubular corollas surr..
Purple bell vine "Purple Rain"
Purple bell vine "Purple Rain" -  Rhodochiton atrosanguineus. Quick to grow and a good climber. Beautiful bell-shaped blooms of deep salmon with a purple central tube. Ideal against a wall or fence. Also looks good trailing from hang..
Snapdragon climbing "Violet"
Creeping snapdragon "Violet" - Asarina scandens. One of the most beautiful climbing vines, the popularity of which is steadily growing. An annual plant with a climbing branched stem 3-3.5 m high. Velvety leaves well set off large fun..
Snapdragon creeping (mix)
- väga kena ja t?esti kiirekasvuline taim ?itseb metsikult! imeline vaatepilt!
- väga kena ja t?esti kiirekasvuline taim ?itseb metsikult! imeline vaatepilt!
Climbing snapdragon (mixture of colors) - Asarina (Maurandia) scandens = Asarina (Maurandia) semperflorens = Usteria scandens. One of the most beautiful climbing lianas, the popularity of which is growing steadily... An annual plant with a twisting..
Sweet pea "Beaujoalais"
Sweet pea "Beaujoalais". Plant height 150-200 cm. Blooms from June to August. 1.0 g = 10-12 seeds. ..
Sweet pea "Evelyn"
Sweetpea "Evelyn" - Lathyrus odoratus. Plant with climbing stems 180 cm high. Blooms from July to September. The flowers are large, salmon-pink in color, collected in graceful brushes, have a pleasant delicate aroma. Light and ..
Sweet pea "Flagman"
Sweetpea "Flagman". An annual multi-stemmed herbaceous plant with a climbing stem, 1.5-2.0 m high. Fragrant large flowers of a rich purple colour, collected in racemose inflorescences. The plant is light-loving and cold-resistant. Prefers..
Sweet pea "Lavender-blue"
Sweetpea "Lavender-blue" - Lathyrus odoratus. Energetic and aromatic, creating a romantic atmosphere of a flower garden! The rich color of the inflorescences of this pea will not leave you indifferent from July to the very frost. It ..
Sweet pea "Love Formula"
Sweetpea "Formula of Love". Excellent pink-white shades of "sailing" inflorescences will create a unique atmosphere for your garden, thanks to long and strong peduncles, which are perfect for creating "long-lasting" cu..
Sweet pea "Mammoth Scarlet"
Sweetpea "Mammoth Scarlet" - Lathyrus odoratus. One of the most fragrant series of sweet peas: an energetically climbing creator of the fragrant charm of a corner of the Garden of Fragrances... Climbing strong, well-leafed stems up t..
Sweet pea "Old Spice America"
Sweetpea "Old Spice America" - Lathyrus odoratus. Gorgeous two-tone flowers! Romantic atmosphere of a flower garden! The white background of the petals is effectively shaded with cherry stripes. Climbing, strong and well leafy stems up t..
Sweet pea "Old Spice Henry Eckford"
Sweet pea "Old Spice Henry Eckford" - Lathyrus odoratus. An annual plant of the Legume family with climbing stems up to 250 cm high. It blooms from July to September. The flowers are large, apricot-colored, collected in graceful clusters,..
Showing 26 to 50 of 64 (3 Pages)