
Tomato "Fiegel" is a bright orange cocktail cherry tomato with small round fruits that are resistant to cracking.
With a diameter of 3 cm and a mass of 25-30 g.
The pulp of the fruit is sweet and tasty.
Tomato "Figiel".
Bright orange cocktail tomato (cherry tomato) with small round fruits 3 cm in diameter and weighing 25-35 g. The pulp of the fruit is sweet and tasty.
-Выращивала в 2023 году. Вкусный томат. Плотный. Красивый. Буду сажать в 2024. Жаль что гибрид.
-Выращивала в 2023 году. Вкусный томат. Плотный. Красивый. Буду сажать в 2024. Жаль что гибрид.
Tomato "Fuji Pink" F1.
Great taste !
Mid-season (110-130 days) hybrid for greenhouses and film shelters. The plant is indeterminate, vigorous and powerful. Requires compulsory pinching. Fruits are pink, flat-round, large, fleshy, sweet, w..
Tomato "Funtik" F1 (TmC5F2).
The most delicious tomato in Russia (Gavrish Breeding and Seed Company, 1999, authors: Gavrish S.F., Morev V.V., Amcheslavskaya E.V., Volok O.A.).
Mid-late hybrid (120-125 days from germination to maturit..
Tomato "Garten Froide".
A very popular German variety among tall cherry tomatoes. The plant is indeterminate, 1.8-2 m high, with whip-like flower racemes up to 50 cm long.
The fruits are round, red, weighing 20-25 g, very sweet.
Value of..
-Хранится долго, но вкус оставляет желать лучшего. Отлично подойдёт для соусов, если удалять твёрдую шкурку.
-Хранится долго, но вкус оставляет желать лучшего. Отлично подойдёт для соусов, если удалять твёрдую шкурку.
Tomato "Giraffe" - unique keeping quality of fruits, up to 6 months!
(Vegetable experimental station TSHA, 1991; authors: Tarakanov G.I., Gavrish S.F., Morev V.V., Nazina S.L.).
Tall, late-ripening (140-160 days from germination to f..
Cocktail tomato "Goldkrone".
Early, high yielding, indeterminant (130-150 cm) variety of cherry tomatoes. Grow in greenhouses or outdoors. Weight of fruit 15-20 g. Good resistance against diseases.
1,0 g = 200-300 seeds.
Tomato "Blue Lagoon".
Medium-early variety, obtained as a result of traditional selection, does not contain GMOs.
The plant is indeterminate (tall), strewn with clusters of flat-round tomatoes, 6-8 pieces per brush, weighing 160-190 g.
Tomato "Gourmandia" F1.
For gourmets!
An early ripe, tall tomato of an unusual shape and color, with incredible taste.
The hybrid is very disease resistant. The fruits are heart-shaped, fleshy, melting in the mouth. Fruit weight 250-300 ..
Tomato "Gourmansun" F1.
Very gorgeous striped tomato. Inside and outside the colorful sweet and juicy fruits is a mix of orange, red and yellow combinations. Great-tasting fruits with outstanding fruit aroma grow up to 200 g..
Tomato "Granadero" F1.
An ultra-early hybrid (100 - 115 days) of a tall tomato, resistant to tomato mosaic virus, Fusarium 0-2, Verticillosis and other diseases.
Fruit 120-140 g, plum-like, fleshy, tasty and fragrant. It is grown both in ..
Bicolour tomato "Grapefruit".
A delicious variety with yellow skin and pink flesh, it lives up to its name. It combines color, taste, and yield.
The taste is excellent!
Mid-season: observed 110-115 days after germination. The plant ..
Tomato "Black Pear".
Great taste and unusual look!
Mid-season variety. Recommended for film greenhouses and shelters, as well as for growing in open ground.
The plant is tall, indeterminate type. The first inflorescence is laid above the..
Tomato "Grusha Chornaya" ("Black Pear")
Mid-season (from germination to maturity 110-115 days), tall variety for growing in film and glazed greenhouses, as well as in open ground (with a garter to stakes). The plant is indetermin..
Tomat "Red Pear" (Grusha Krasnaja).
Heavy trusses of small, solid-bodied sweet fruits with a soft velvety textured flesh. Fruits are all evenly-matched in size and beautifully crafted to perfectly resemble tiny pears, ideal for exotic sala..
Tomato "Red Pear".
Productive, mid-early, indeterminate variety. Plant height is up to 2 m. The fruits are pear-shaped, red, weighing 20-30 g, 8-12 pieces in a cluster.
Suitable for pickling, whole-fruit canning and fresh consumption. Wel..
Tomato "Pink Pear" (Grusha rozovaja).
Mid-season (from germination to maturation 110-115 days) tall variety (up to 2.0 m) for growing in film and glazed greenhouses, as well as in open ground (with a garter to stakes). Fruits are pear..
Tomato "Grushka chornaya"
Medium-early variety. Plant height 1.5-1.8 m. Fruit mass 80-100 g.
Tomato "Hardy" F1.
Late indeterminate hybrid intended for indoor cultivation. Fruits weighing 170-190 g are well stored.
-В этом году рос в открытом грунте, в Эстонии.
Отличный на вкус ,вес помидора до 600 грамм. Спасибо
Отличный на вкус ,вес помидора до 600 грамм. Спасибо
-В этом году рос в открытом грунте, в Эстонии.
Отличный на вкус ,вес помидора до 600 грамм. Спасибо
Tomato "Herodes".
Mid-early variety.
Fruit is very big, heart shaped in cross-section, weight up to 250 g 8 fruits are fleshy, pink when mature, with high content of dry matter.
Slices of fruits are suitable for grilling, to sandwiches o..
Tomato "Khokhloma" (series: 1+1=3).
A mid-season tomato variety with banana-shaped fruits (fruit ripening occurs on days 111-115 after mass germination). Designed for cultivation in open ground and under temporary film covers.
The plant i..
Tomato "Honeycombe" F1.
"Cherry"-tomato with an orange colour. Juicy and resistant to cracking.
Mid-early hybrid variety with a growing season of 75–80 days. Fruits (15–20 g) are formed in clusters. These tomato..
Tomato "Hutorskoi Zasolochny".
Late-ripening (120-130 days from germination to fruiting) variety, recommended for film greenhouses and open ground. Formed into one stem, removing all "stepsons". The fruits are rounded, weighing 9..
Tomato "Intuitsiya" F1.
(Seed-breeding company "Gavrish", 1998, authors: Gavrish S.F., Morev V.V., Amcheslavskaya E.V., Gorkovets S.A., Korolev V.V.).
Mid-season tall tomato hybrid (110-115 days from germination to fruiting), in..
Tomato "Jahodo".
Fragrant and sweet!
Early indeterminant tomato with strawberry-shaped fruits. Really unusual combination.
Long shelf life and high tolerance to cracking – but still the flavour of fruits stays rich and sweet. ..