Lettuce "Edyta Ozarowska"
Head salad "Edyta Ozarowska" (oily). The variety is early ripening (growing season 60-70 days), forming a head weighing up to 500 g. The leaf is slightly corrugated, light green. Recommended planting pattern 30 x 25 cm or 40 x 30. Attent..
Lettuce "Lollo Rossa"
Lettuce "Lollo Rossa" - Lactuca sativa L. Popular variety. An excellently flavoured Italian lettuce of the type used in salads and also in many other dishes as a tasty garnish. It is compact, non hearting with a rosette of finel..
Lettuce "May Queen" (oily)
Oily head-lettuce "May Queen" (Krolowa Majowych) - Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata. Large heads of lettuce with the most delicate consistency! Mid-season variety (period from germination to harvest 55-60 days). The leaves are light ..
Garden lovage - Levisticum officinalis L. Winter hardy and unpretentious. A treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. "A highlight for the kitchen"! Perennial growing to 1.8m by 1m . It is hardy to zone 4 and is not frost tender. It..
Lucerne Alfaalfa - sprouting seeds
Alfalfa microgreens (sand lucerne, bastard medic) - Medicago sativa L. Translated from Arabic, the name "Alfa Alfа" means "Father of all food." Sprouted alfalfa is an amazing healer: just one teaspoon (about 5 g) of alfalfa..
Lucerne Alfalfa - sprouting seeds (100 g)
Alfalfa microgreens (sand lucerne, bastard medic) - Medicago sativa L. Translated from Arabic, the name "Alfa Alfа" means "Father of all food." Sprouted alfalfa is an amazing healer: just one teaspoon (about 5 g) of alfalfa..
Lupine tall (mix)
Garden lupine (mix) - Lupinus polyphyllus. The plant is up to 120 cm high. The leaves are beautiful, palmate-compound, on long petioles. Racemose inflorescences of red, white and yellow. Abundant flowering in June-August. Used for curbs, ridge..
Marrow "Grey Zucchini"
Squash "Grey Zucchini". An early ripening, bush variety with a female flowering type: the period from germination to the first harvest of fruits is 48-57 days. The fruits are cylindrical, smooth, light green, thin-barked. The pulp is tend..
Melon "Malaga" F1
Melon "Malaga" F1. Cantaloup variety type. Very early ripening (from germination to fruit ripening 75-78 days) variety. Fruits are round, slightly segmented, gray-green with longitudinal dark green stripes, portioned, weighing 1.3-1.7 kg...
Melon "Oliwin"
Melon "Oliwin". Early (from germination to fruit production 68-75 days) variety. The plant is medium-sized. Fruits are oval, yellow-cream, with a sparse coarse net, weighing 0.8-1.0 kg. The pulp is orange, aromatic, sweet, with a small se..
Melon "Seledyn" F1
Melon "Seledyn" F1. Early ripening variety for open ground. The plant is medium-growing. Fruits are spherical, yellow-orange in color, weighing up to 1.2 kg. The pulp is yellowish-green, with a strong melon aroma, melting, high in sugars a..
Mexican creeping zinnia Yellow
Mexican creeping zinnia Yellow (Lavender-cotton) - Sanvitalia procumbens. The plant is not tall with strongly branching semi-creeping shoots and small rough leaves. Expanding, it forms a lush cushion-shaped rug with a scattering of small, up to..
Mexican Sunflower
Mexican Sunflower - Tithonia rotundifolia = Tithonia speciosa. Luxurious annual. Herbaceous shrub plant with strong branched stems, 80-100 cm high. The leaves are large, heart-shaped. Stems are reddish, slightly pubescent. Inflorescences-bask..
Monarch of the Veld
Cape daisy (Monarch of the Veld) - Venidium fastuosum = Arctotis fastuosa. A lush bouquet and a spectacular flower bed. Height - 50 cm. Variety with large, up to 10 cm in diameter, with inflorescences on long peduncles. The plant is ..
Morocco toadflax "Fairy Bouquet" (mix)
Moroccan Toadflax "Fairy Bouquet" (mix of colours) - Linaria maroccana. A charming annual that blooms two months after sowing. Flowering is so abundant that leaves are almost invisible. This mixture contains varieties with different ..
Moss campion "Lepnica" (umbel-flowered catchfly)
Umbel-flowered Catchfly (moss campion) - Silene orientalis. A beautiful perennial. The plant is 60-70 cm high, with small flowers collected in large carmine-pink inflorescences. Blooms in the second year after sowing in July. Flowering time: ..
Mossy saxifrage "Flamingo"
Mossy saxifrage "Flamingo" - Saxifraga x arendsii. A bright carpet of only inflorescences! This is an unpretentious evergreen perennial, during the flowering period it becomes like a lush bright carpet, when dense rosettes of leaves are c..
Common motherwort - Leonurus cardiaca. Heart doctor. Perennial herbaceous plant 0.5-2.0 m high. Good honey plant. Very unpretentious. Used for angina pectoris, shortness of breath, headaches, anaemia, gastrointestinal colic, neuroses, respira..
Mung bean (seeds for sproutings) (500 g)
Instructions for use: Pour the amount reguired in to a bowl of water at room temperature and allow them to soak for 8-10 hours. Subsequently place the seeds into your sprouter covering no more than 25% of the tray as the seeds will in size. Put the..
Mung bean (Sprouting seeds)
Mung bean (Maash, Moong) - sprouting seeds. Sprouted mung beans are a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals! The homeland of these beans is India: in the Hindi language this type of bean culture is called "Mung". In Asian countries, mu..
Needle aster "Aquamarine"
China needle aster "Aquamarine". The plant is pyramidal, strongly branched, up to 60-70 cm high. Peduncles are strong and elastic, inflorescences are hemispherical, radial: 12-18 cm in diameter. Blooms in August-September. Eng.: China..
Ocra "Clemson Spineless" (okra, bamia, gumbo, okro)
Okra (Lady fingers, Bamia, Ochro, Okura, Bindi, Okro) - Hibiscus esculentus. Low-calorie dietary product. Okra is an annual vegetable crop, a herbaceous plant. Okra resembles a shrub: covered with stiff hairs, a thick, rough ste..
Onion "Globo"
Salad onion "Globo" (for growing from seeds in one season). Large onion in one season. Unprecedented weight! Delicious taste! No specific aroma (from the mouth)! One of the largest salad onions - weighing up to 1 kg! Mid-season variety: ..
Onion "Karmen"
Red onion "Karmen". The variety is semi-sharp, mid-season (from sowing to the maturation of the set is 80-110 days and from planting the set to the ripening of the bulb is 80-100 days). The bulbs are flat and flat-rounded, weighing 70-100 ..
Onion "Majka"
Hibernal onion "Majka". Early maturing: 105 days from sowing (55-78 days from germination to mass lodging and yellowing of leaves) variety. Grows in a two-year culture. Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out in late April - early May,..
Showing 201 to 225 of 387 (16 Pages)