
Wavyleaf Sealavender "Rosea Superba" (Sinuate statice).
One of the best dried flowers!
Dried flowers retain their color for a long time. Blooms profusely from July until frost.
Used for flower arrangements, flower beds, mixborders.
Sinuate statice "Violet".
The best dried flowers!
One of the most popular dried flowers. The plant is up to 70 cm high. Dried flowers retain their colour for a long time.
Blooms profusely from July to frost. Used for floral arrangements,..
Pincushion Flower, Scabious Star Flower Drumstick - Scabiosa stellata.
A perennial herb, sometimes grown as an annual. Fruits in August. In culture since 1803. Unusual inflorescences that do not require additional drying will decorate any winte..
Wavyleaf Sealavender "Golden Yellow improved" - Limonium sinuatum.
Sowing time: April.
Planting seedlings: May, June.
Flowering: July, August, September.
Planting method: seedlings.
Plant height: 60 cm.
Distance between plan..
Statice "White" - Limonium sinuatum.
Statice is one of the most popular dried flowers. Plant 60-70 cm high. Dried flowers retain their colour for a long time.
Blooms profusely from July until frost. It is used for flower arrangements..
Wavyleaf sea lavender mix.
Amazing dried flowers for winter bouquets!
Perennial plant, grown as an annual. The leaves are collected in a large dense rosette. At the ends of the flower-bearing stems are large corymbose inflorescences consisting of t..
Swan River everlasting "Goliath" - Helipterum manglesii.
Dried flower. Grown specifically for arranging winter bouquets.
The leaves are dark green, covered with short down, and look like chicory leaves. Inflorescences are basket..
Mourningbride or sweet scabious (mixture of colours).
A bright, contrasting mixture of beautiful inflorescences against the background of finely cut leaves!
Inflorescences of various colours - from white and pink to purple. The flowers are alm..
Sweet vernal grass - Anthoxanthum odoratum L.
A unique ornamental grass that looks exotic due to the attractive shape of the plants.
A perennial, low-growing plant (height 30-50 cm) with hollow, erect, smooth, sparsely leafed stems.
Natural h..
Pink Mulla Mulla - Ptilotus exaltatus.
One of the largest and most popular ptilotus. Already in the year of planting, it blooms with incomparable large fluffy inflorescences that do not lose their decorative effect throughout the summer, are ex..
Thrift "Multicolor" (mixture of colors) - Statice sinuata = Limonium sinuatum.
The height of the plant is 45-50 cm. The diameter of the inflorescence is 3-5 cm.
A perennial herb grown in our cool climates as an annual.
It is used in land..
Uruguayan Pampas Grass"Rose & Silver" (duo mix) - Cortaderia selloana.
An exceptionally ornamental, perennial, evergreen herb.
Under good growing conditions, it reaches a height of 2-3 m, monumentally rises above the rest of the ..
Love-lies-bleeding "Crimson cascade" - Amaranthus caudatus f. viridis.
A spectacular giant for garden and bouquet decoration.
An annual herbaceous plant with a powerful erect stem, up to 100 cm high.
The inflorescences are cherry-re..
Wavyleaf sea lavender "Gold Coast".
Plant height up to 80 cm.
Bot. syn.: Statice sinuata.
Western coneflower "Green Wizard" - Rudbeckia occidentalis.
Perennial from the Asteraceae family.
It has a very original flower shape: a dark convex center is surrounded by green petals.
The inflorescence is devoid of reed flowers and lo..
White Lace Flower - Orlaya grandiflora.
Family: Apiaceae.
Origin: Europe, from Africa to Central Asia (meadows, fields).
Suitable for natural landscape design. Attractive to butterflies and other pollinators. Long flowering. Easy to grow.
Yellow fennelflower "Transformer".
An annual plant up to 80 cm high with small flowers and very decorative seedlings. Ideal for dry bouquets, cut flowers and flower beds.
Yellow fennelflower, yellow nigella.
Yellow nigella (fennelflower).
An annual plant up to 80 cm high with small flowers and very decorative fruit buds. Ideal for dry bouquets, cutting and flower beds.
Name: comes from the Latin word "nigellus": the grammatical form of the wo..
Yorkshire fog - Holcus lanatus.
An ornamental plant up to 70 cm high from the Poaceae family.
Forms dense, spreading turf. Vegetative shoots are numerous, densely foliated. Flowering stems are numerous, thin, strong, pubescent, with bare nodes..
Chinese silvergrass "Early Hybrids" - Miscanthus sinensis = Мiscanthus purpurascens Anderss.
Silvery, pink, reddish silky "plumes" of inflorescences decorate high (1.5-2.5 m) shoots. In autumn, the leaves turn purple..
Prairie dropseed - Sporobolus heterolepis.
A graceful perennial from the Poaceae family.
Grows in the prairies of North America.
Narrow glossy leaves of excellent texture, less than 2 mm wide, form a dense, round tussock. In October the folia..
Ribbon Grass - Phalaris arundinacea.
Perennial herb from the Poaceae family.
Homeland: the entire temperate zone of Eurasia and North America.
Natural flowering period: June - August.
Flowering plant height: 200 cm.
Soil requirements: moist, wat..