Winter bouquet
Wavyleaf sea lavender "Gold Coast"
Wavyleaf sea lavender "Gold Coast". Bot. syn.: Statice sinuata. ..
Western coneflower "Green Wizard" (black beauty coneflower)
Western coneflower "Green Wizard" - Rudbeckia occidentalis. Perennial from the Asteraceae family. It has a very original flower shape: a dark convex center is surrounded by green petals. The inflorescence is devoid of reed flowers and lo..
White Lace Flower
White Lace Flower - Orlaya grandiflora. Family: Apiaceae. Origin: Europe, from Africa to Central Asia (meadows, fields). Suitable for natural landscape design. Attractive to butterflies and other pollinators. Long flowering. Easy to grow. Natural..
Yellow fennelflower "Transformer" (nigella)
Yellow fennelflower "Transformer". An annual plant up to 80 cm high with small flowers and very decorative seedlings. Ideal for dry bouquets, cut flowers and flower beds. Yellow fennelflower, yellow nigella. ..
Zebra grass "Early Hybrids"
Chinese silvergrass "Early Hybrids" ​​​​. Solitaire plants.  VIII-IX, Z4-9, 220 cm. Vigorous early flowering selection, pure seed. МИСКАНТУС КИТАЙСКИЙ (ВЕЕРНИК КИТАЙСКИЙ) - Miscanthus sinensis. Серебристые, розовые,..
​​​​​​​Prairie dropseed "Wisconsin Strain"
Prairie dropseed - Sporobolus heterolepis. A graceful perennial from the Poaceae family. Grows in the prairies of North America. Narrow glossy leaves of excellent texture, less than 2 mm wide, form a dense, round tussock. In October the folia..
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