
Sweet pepper "Black Gourmand".
A salad variety with beautiful purple-black and juicy fruits with a cute “nose”.
It bears fruit well in open ground, and in a greenhouse it allows you to get up to 7-7.5 kg/m2 of early harvest.
-Очень хороши в теплице, и в ог (середина Литвы). Очень урожайный, вкусный, долгоплодящий. Сажаю в ог по 2 штуки в одну лумку через 40/50см без подвязки.
Полное название-Corno di torro giallo...
Полное название-Corno di torro giallo...
-Очень хороши в теплице, и в ог (середина Литвы). Очень урожайный, вкусный, долгоплодящий. Сажаю в ог по 2 штуки в одну лумку через 40/50см без подвязки.
Полное название-Corno di torro giallo.
Conical fleshy pepper "Yellow horn".
Medium early. A tall, vigorous plant producing long "bulls horn" shaped fruits. These fruits are intense yellow, sweet and meaty.
1,0 g = 150 seeds.
Sweet pepper ''Ded Moroz''.
An early, high-yielding variety (the period from mass germination to fruiting is 95-110 days), intended for cultivation in open and protected soil.
The fruits are very large, weighing up to 200 g, trapezo..
-Тоже выращивала первый год с такой же пачки в ог. Высота 60/70см. Перцы сперва тёмно зелёные, а потом краснеют. У меня был средний/среднепоздний. Урожай пока же средний. В 2025 году попробую из своих, собранных семян и в полиэтиленовой теплице.
Хорошая форма для фарширования. Стенки довольно толст..
Хорошая форма для фарширования. Стенки довольно толст..
-Тоже выращивала первый год с такой же пачки в ог. Высота 60/70см. Перцы сперва тёмно зелёные, а потом краснеют. У меня был средний/среднепоздний. Урожай пока же средний. В 2025 году попробую из своих, собранных семян и в полиэтиленовой теплице.
Хорошая форма для фарширования. Стенки довольно толстые.
Середина Литвы
Sweet Pepper "DUMAS".
Mid-early tomato-shaped pepper for cold forcing and field growing.
Round to slightly heart-shaped fruits, wall thickness 8-10 mm.
Dark green at technical maturity, dark red at botanical maturity.
Average fruit weig..
Sweet pepper "Enorma" F1.
Early ripe (105-110 days) high-yielding hybrid.
The bush is low, 50-55 cm high, with simultaneous pouring up to 14-18 fruits.
The fruits are bright red, large, elongated-cubic, 7-9x6-8 cm in size, weighing ..
Sweet pepper "Etude".
Medium early variety (from full germination to technical ripeness 75-80 days), intended for growing in open ground and film greenhouses. The plant is up to 70 cm high. Large glossy 3-4-chambered fruits of a beautiful ..
-Выращиваю много лет. Давно из своих семян. Невысокий куст и в ог, и в полиэтиленовой теплице. В теплице урожай больше. Перчинки оранжевые, средние. Стенка тоже средняя...
-Выращиваю много лет. Давно из своих семян. Невысокий куст и в ог, и в полиэтиленовой теплице. В теплице урожай больше. Перчинки оранжевые, средние. Стенка тоже средняя.
Sweet pepper "Etude".
Mid-early variety (from full germination to technical ripeness 75-80 days), intended for growing in open ground and film greenhouses.
The plant is up to 70 cm high. Large glossy 3-4-chambered fruits of a beautiful or..
Paprika "Friggitello".
Thick and sweet flesh!
Early ripe, well-known Neapolitan variety. The plant is powerful and bushy, with cone-shaped green fruits of medium size, which turn red when ripe.
Recommended for fresh consumption, canning,..
Sweet pepper "Hanibal".
Early ripening variety: 87-89 days before technical ripeness. The plant is standard, semi-spreading, of medium height. The position of the fruits on the plant is drooping.
The fruit is prism-shaped, glossy, dark gr..
Sweet pepper "Golden Imperator" F1.
Mid-early (107-114 days), high-yielding, large-fruited hybrid for protected ground.
The plant is medium-sized, powerful. The fruits are cuboidal and prism-cubic, 10 x 8-9 cm.
The color in technical rip..
Sweet pepper "Gourmet" with an orange color of the fruit.
Early ripe, ripening variety. The period from germination to technical ripeness of fruits is 95-110 days, to biological - 115-130 days. The plant is medium-sized 50-80 cm, sprawling..
Sweet pepper "HAMIK".
A very productive, mid-late variety of sweet "snack peppers" for growing in open and protected ground.
The plant is small, forming small fruits, weighing 30-40 g, almost without seeds, very sweet tast..
Sweet pepper "HAMIK".
Abnormally sweet and delicious!
Very productive, mid-late variety of sweet "snack pepper" for cultivation in the open and protected ground.
The plant is low, forming small fruits, weighing 30-40 g, almost..
Sweet pepper "Hodoninska sladka vzprimena".
Mid-season, productive variety of sweet pepper for seasoning.
The plant is medium-sized. The fruits are elongated-conical, weighing 35-45 cm with thin walls (about 2 mm).
The variety is charact..
Sweet pepper "Ingrid".
Mid-late variety of cube-shaped pepper for indoor cultivation. The fruits are large, fleshy and sweet (weighing up to 200 g). The number of chambers is 3-4, sometimes two.
The fruits are erect, later drooping. The r..
Sweet pepper ''Jablina'' F1.
Medium ripe hybrid of sweet pepper. In the technical ripeness of the cream colour, in the biological ripeness of light red.
Pulp is juicy and very tasty. It is used for fresh consumption, preservation or..
Sweet pepper "Red Cockatoo".
Rectangular ribbed fruits with incredibly juicy sweet pulp and a special, expressive taste will be an exquisite addition to any dish.
Mid-season variety. The plant is tall, semi-spreading, medium-leaved. Fruit..
Sweet pepper ''Yellow Cockatoo''.
Mid-early variety (110-120 days from germination to the beginning of fruiting). Recommended for growing in film and glass greenhouses.
The fruits are drooping, elongated-cylindrical, bright yellow. ..
Sweet pepper "KOMTESA" F1.
Early hybrid.
Long narrowly triangular fruits.
Light yellow green at technical maturity, dark red at botanical maturity.
Average fruit weight 110 g.
Plants are taller (90-100 cm) and require wire support.
Sweet pepper "Small candy" F1 - very sweet decorative fruits with thick pulp.
Early-ripening hybrid (85-95 days from germination to technical maturity, 115-125 days to biological).
Low-growing plants. Fruits are spherical, small, weighing..
Sweet pepper "Red bull".
Productive, early (95 days from germination to the start of fruiting) variety for growing under temporary film covers and in open ground. Forms a powerful bush up to 150 cm high. The fruits are large, 9 cm in diame..
Early hybrid variety resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Plants are quite tall. Fruits very big, 3-4 cameras, large, elongated, slightly ridged, weight 360-380 g, ripen are yellow. Grown in greenhouses. Peppers are..
Sweet pepper "Kvadry" F1.
Excellent for preparing lecho.
Early ripening (105-110 days) hybrid variety for open ground and film shelters. The plant is compact, medium-sized, 60-70 cm high.
The fruits are cube-shaped, highly glossy, creamy..
Sweet pepper ''Lamia''.
Mid-early productive crop with cube-shaped fruits. Plants reach a height of 70–80 cm. Ripe fruits are orange in colour, with walls 6–7 mm thick and weighing about 130 g.
The variety is intended fo..
Sweet pepper "Lemon Dream".
An early, high-yielding variety of sweet pepper. The fruits are small, up to 8 cm long, bright yellow when ripe, and have few seeds.
It is grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. The plants are compact, 4..